Proposal for Data Applications Report Chu Ishida JAXA CEOS Plenary, Agenda Item 24 Tromsø, Norway October 2014
28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway October “CEOS Applications Round Table” was held on November 4 th 2013, as a side meeting of the 27 th CEOS Plenary in Montreal. The meeting identified a growing interest within CEOS agencies with regards to collaboration on applications of Earth observations. Australia, ESA, NASA, UK expressed interest in development of a CEOS Special Report. JAXA proposed to establish a small editorial committee of interested agencies and discuss the concept of the report on September 16 th 2014, a side meeting of CEOS SIT in Montpellier. Background
28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway October JAXA proposes to develop a CEOS Special Report on Data Applications as one of its CEOS Chairmanship initiatives for 2015 covering; Evolution of EO capabilities and data policies Successful application cases Different business models (inc. new models using free data) Stakeholder benefits (govt, public, industry) JAXA proposes that a summary brochure be published before CEOS Plenary in Proposal
28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway October Concept Working Title: Applications of Earth Observations from Space: Serving humanity, society, and industry Targeted readership Policymakers in government International organizations active in key application areas, such as UN Donors such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank Purpose Provide evidence of the importance and necessity of satellite EO to governments and to improve their understanding Provide support for funding for the next generation of space agency EO programmes through this improved understanding Highlight approaches that have worked around the world, including the types of partnerships and programmes
28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway October Draft Contents (1/2) 1. Introduction CEOS chair / SIT chair / International Organization 2. Satellite Earth Observations The history/size/scale of the endeavor Deliverables for the last decade Evolution in capabilities: # of countries, satellites, measurements, accuracy, spatial and temporal resolution, analysis tools, smartphones, GPS, data analysis and transfer Data policy impact: international examples, inc Landsat, Copernicus Coordination frameworks: CEOS, GEO, WMO... Future possibilities via new technology and service: Dual- use, Skysat...
28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway October Draft Contents (2/2) 3. EO Applications Public use: “Supporting an informed and secure society” Supporting decisions through GEOSS in 9 SBAs(Disasters, Health, Energy, Climate, Agriculture, Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Water, Weather) Contributing to the project by UN, WB, ADB and etc. Utilization by the government Industrial use: “Stimulating new services and employment” Encouraging Private Sector's initiatives; Service oriented Energy sector, Insurance company, Food industry, Fishing industry, Water resource management sector, Weather Service, etc. Science and research: “Providing unique and sustained insights into the Earth system” Study of Earth system and Climate change Contributing to GCOS, IPCC, Future Earth Science, etc.
28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway October Schedule JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Draft Concept Call For Members Call For Abstracts Call For articles for the full report Edit the summary brochure Printing Key Meetings Regular Meetings (Teleconferences) Side WS Side Side Side WS Teleconference Side Teleconference