Developmental Genetics
Three Stages of Development division morphogenesis differentiation
What leads to changes? Differential gene expression. Caused by...
Sequential Regulation Gene Expression is sequentially regulated Cells become determined before they differentiate
Plant and animal devo Plants have totipotent stem cells (meristems) throughout life Animals have totipotent stem cells for short part of life Animal cells move in development
Of course we have videos Human Development Different types of potential cells Embryonic stem cell lines Nuclear transfer: cloning
Cloning Reproductive cloning Many problems Defects Too many methyl groups
Stem Cells Adult stem cells Bone marrow Brain Skin Hair Eyes Dental pulp Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent Therapeutic cloning New induced pluripotent stem cells from adult cells.
Pattern Formation in Animals Establishes major axes: Anterior posterior Right and left sides Video
Homeotic Genes Homeotic genes contain homeobox sequences (180 nucleotides long) regulate body part formation Homeobox codes for homeodomain (60 aa long) Homeodomains are almost identical in animal kingdom A video…of course