Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education (HNODE) Ελληνικό Δίκτυο Ανοικτής και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευσης (Ε.Δ.Α.Ε.)
a Scientific non profitable association representing Greek Scientists who : are involved in provision and research in Open and Distance education, actively promote the philosophy of Open and Distance education, promote the free access to life long education to all citizens and function in innovative forms of alternative education. What is it?
The research interests and the research projects that HNODE is involved now concern: ‘Quality criteria and evaluation for the process of planning, development and implementation of distance material (printed, digital, multimedia)' ‘Planning and Development of Information and Communication Technologies for distance learning’ Research Interests
HNODE is also publishing the International JournalHNODE is also publishing the International Journal with a long international Committeewith a long international Committee The Journal
The Conference ICODL 2005 Τhird International Conference on Open and Distance Learning: 'Applications of Pedagogy and Technology' November 2005, Patras, Greece
Goal - Topics European Union, Open Universities and ODL The HOU: challenges and perspectives of open access and distance learning Teaching and the role of the tutor Learning in an ODL environment Cultural Studies and ODL Social Sciences and ODL Social Sciences and ODL Sciences and ODL Sciences and ODL ODL and languages teaching: the teachers training ODL, Adult Education and life long learning Information and Communication Technologies Planning and development of teaching material and innovative ODL programmes The Conference