Legal Environments, Audit Quality and Initial Return: Evidence from Chinese IPOs of SOEs Yunxia Bai Yunxia Bai Guanghua School of Management Peking University
Research questions Does legal environments affect audit quality? Does audit quality convey information in an initial public offering? 1.Introduction
Existing literature On audit quality Most literature examines micro-sources of differentiation in audit quality (Francis, 2004): Characteristics of accounting firms ( e.g., size) Characteristics of clients (e.g., audit committees) The engagement specific factors (e.g. audit tenure, compensation, non-audit service, and accounting firm alumni)
Existing literature On audit quality Relatively little attention have been paid to the locality of auditors: The information perspective (Choi, et al., 2007) The collusion perspective (Gul, et al., 2006) A few recent research has begun to investigate how a country’s legal environments affect auditor behavior (Francis and Wang, 2008; Venkataraman, et al., 2008; Wang, et al., 2008).
Existing literature On Initial Return IPO underpricing phenomenon For a sample of 6249 American IPOs from 1980 to 2001 the average initial return is 18.8% (Ritter and Welch, 2002). For 908 Chinese IPOs of A-shares from 1995 to 2003 the average initial return is 129% ( 刘煜辉等, 2005). Theoretical explanations of IPO underpricing Focusing on the setting of the offer price Assuming first-day market price as “fair value” Purnanandam,et al., Are IPOs Really Underpriced? The Review of Financial Studies 17 (3),
Existing literature On Initial Return Audit quality and IPO underpricing Almost all literature exhibits that audit quality is inversely related to initial return (Rock, 1986; Beatty, 1989; Michaely et al., 1995). Chang, et al. (2008 )document a positive relationship between audit quality and initial return.
Contribution This paper extends literature on audit quality by jointly examining the effect of auditor choice and legal environments on audit quality in a single country. This paper extends literature on IPO underpricing by examining the effect of audit quality on initial return in the context of Chinese IPOs where the offering price is controlled by the government.
The remainder proceeds as follows: Hypotheses Resign Design Empirical Results Conclusions and Limitations Proposal for Future Research
Hypothesis 1: The difference in audit quality between local and non-local auditors are larger in regions with less developed legal institutions. Collusion cost is lower in regions with less developed legal institution. Relative to non-local auditors, the local governments (officials) can exert more influence on local auditors ( Gul, et al., 2006; Wang, et al., 2008). Prestigious auditors can increase the likelihood of being approved for listing and the after-issue market price. 2.Hypotheses
Hypothesis 2: The difference in initial return between clients of local and non-local auditors are larger in regions with less developed legal institutions. Due to the government control the offering price is unaffected by the quality audit. The signaling role of audit (Titman and Trueman, 1986) predicts a lower post-issue market price for clients of low quality auditors, which leads to a lower initial return.
3.Research Design 3.1 The data
4.Empirical Results
5.Conculsions In regions with less developed legal institutions the audit quality of local auditors are lower than non-local auditors; Whereas in regions with developed legal institutions there are no differences in audit quality of local and non-local auditors. In regions with less developed legal institutions the initial return of clients of local auditors is lower than of non- local auditor, whereas in regions with developed legal institutions there are no differences in initial return between clients of local and non-local auditors, suggesting that the initial return is positively related to audit quality in Chinese IPOs market.
6.Proposal for Future Research The Impact of CSRC Enforcement Actions on audit quality Governmental Investigation and Earnings Management Cahan (1992): The Effect of Antitrust investigations on discretionary accruals. Jones (1991): Earnings management during import relief investigations. Studies on Firms Subjected to Enforcement Actions by the Security Regulatory Agencies Dechow, et al. (1996): Causes and consequences of earnings manipulation Bonner, et al. (1998): Fraud type and auditor litigation Chen, et al. (2005): Is China’s securities regulatory agency a toothless tiger?
Thanks ! Yunxia Bai NOV. 17, 2008 NOV. 17, 2008
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