September 27, 2011 Notes Eleven Written Response Rubric
HW: Print rubric off my wiki Work on homework packet Sign Progress Report It is called- Written Response Rubric
LEQ: How should you write a written response to a given question appropriately? What are elements of characterization?
1. Notes w/ examples 2. Read Eleven 3. Rubric
Scale of 1-3 3= good 1= not so good 3 Your grade = 100 Question is restated in your answer in a complete sentence All parts of the question are answered with support and evidence from the text Personal thoughts, feelings and connections are “weaved” into the answer.
3 sample answer Question: How does Lob show his loyalty toward Sandy? Lob showed his loyalty to Sandy right from the start when he attached himself to her on the beach. On two different occasions, he traveled more than 400 miles from Liverpool to Cornwall just to be by her side. He also displayed loyalty when he slept by her bed and followed her everywhere she went. When Sandy was injured and in the hospital, Lob was determined to see her and faithfully waited outside until he was eventually let in to visit her. Lob’s loyalty towards Sandy reminds me of when our dog Chase was loyal to our family. When he was a puppy, he jumped the fence and chased our car down the street because he didn’t want us to leave. When we returned home, the pads on his feet looked raw from all of the running. He went through a lot of pain in an attempt to be with us.
2 Your grade = 90 Answer is in a complete sentence, but you did not restate the question Most parts of the question are answered with some support and evidence from the text Personal thoughts, feelings and connections are attempted to be “weaved” into the answer, but are not very clear
2 sample answer Question: How does Lob show his loyalty toward Sandy? He showed loyalty toward her when he ran 400 miles just to see her. He also slept by her bed at night. This reminds me of when my dog Chase jumped the fence.
1 Your grade = 80 Answer is not in a complete sentence and you did not restate the question Few parts of the question are answered with very little support and evidence from the text Personal thoughts, feelings and connections are not “weaved” into the answer.
1 sample answer Question: How does Lob show his loyalty toward Sandy? When he ran far to be with her
Question: From The Stolen Party Do you think Rosura had a realistic view of her relationship with Luciana?
Go through sample 3 answer…
Please take your assigned question related to Eleven and respond with a level three response Criteria: Question is restated in your answer in a complete sentence All parts of the question are answered with support and evidence from the text Personal thoughts, feelings and connections are “weaved” into the answer.