PRODUCT/SERVICE DESIGN Information for design; QFD 139 Product/Service development process –Technical-legal-environmental-ethical review –Market feasibility –Financial feasibility Manufacturabilty Service design –Service package –Explicit services, Implicit services, Facilities, Facilitating goods, Information
PROCESS PLANNING AND DESIGN Chapter 3 Types of Processes 71 –Projects 97 –Job/batch (process flow) – Job shop 82 –Repetitive/Line (product flow) – Flow shop (assembly line) 76 –Hybrid. Combining job shop and flow shop – Cellular Production 90 –Continuous flow 75 –Service processes 102 Characteristics of process types –Volume –Variety/Standardization –Resource flexibility –Automation/capital intensity –Vertical Integration –Customer participation
PROCESS (JOB SHOP) LAYOUT 86 Layout is by process Advantages and Disadvantages –Variation in product –Customization in services –General purpose/flexible equipment –Skilled workers/variety in work –Special space for certain equipment/sub processes –Less disruption in work –Higher average costs – equipment and labor –Larger/variety of inventories –In process inventory –Higher material handling costs –Harder managerial control Combinatorial nature of the problem Strategic Nature of the Problem
PROCESS (JOB SHOP) LAYOUT Objectives –Satisfy technical requirements –Minimize movement costs – cost/volume/distance 87 –Maximize closeness preferences Information requirements Solution approach Computer programs: CRAFT, ALDEP
LINE FLOW (ASSEMBLY LINE) LAYOUT 79 Nature of the problem –Product information –Processing times –Sequence Combinatorial nature of the layout problem Strategic nature of the layout problem Objectives –Cycle time and Output –Number of workers/stations –Idle time/balance Balancing the line
CELLULAR PRODUCTION 90 Disadvantages of job shop Conversion to a cellular layout 91 Basis for forming cells. Group Technology (GT) 90 –Similar processes –Part families Advantages of cellular layouts 91 Disadvantages 94 Methods of cell identification/formation 95
SERVICE PROCESS DESIGN 103 Phases of development (design process) Demand management Capacity planning and management Contact level; equipment-people balance Customer participation in the process Measuring quality: inspections, mystery shoppers, quality/process control Technology in service design: customer attitudes towards automation and self service technologies; Service employee issues: see HRM in services Designing tangibles. Physical surroundings – Servicescapes Waiting time – effects and management Designing e-services