Teacher Education in Health Education and Promotion The Segalese Perspective Fatou Diagne Lecturer in University Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar - Sénégal) PhD in Education
“Health education” is not a subject Students do not have to complete credits in health education in order to graduate. It is included in different subjects : citizenship, biology, home economics, physical education … in elementary, middle and secondary schools Health education in the senegalese school system
Teacher training in Senegal : structure In Senegal, primary school teachers are trained for 2 years in TT colleges (écoles normales) Middle and secondary school teachers are trained at the university (FASTEF, ENSETP) for 4 or 6 years
Teacher training in health education and health promotion : challenges Improving national guidelines Affirming and reinforcing the work done in teacher training in HE in ENSETP and FASTEF Supporting the ENSETP and FASTEF in the provision of ITT and ISTT Organising trainers’ training Stimulating partnership work at regional level Developing HE training tools