COMS S1007 Object-Oriented Programming and Design in Java July 3, 2007
Teaching staff Chris Murphy –Office hours: TR 3:30-4:30pm, 608 CEPSR This week by appointment only Hila Becker –Office hours: MW 4-5pm, 6LE1 CEPSR Starting next week
About the course The second course for majors in computer science. A rigorous treatment of object- oriented concepts using Java as an example language. Development of sound programming and design skills, problem solving and modeling of real world problems from science, engineering, and economics using the object-oriented paradigm.
Prerequisites COMS W1004 or AP Computer Science with a grade of 4 or 5 You should be familiar with basic Java concepts and programming principles You should be able to write a 150-line program with 4-5 classes
Course homepage Please check the course homepage frequently for important announcements and changes to the reading assignments
CourseWorks Check the “Discussion” section for questions related to the homeworks Check the “Gradebook” to make sure our records match your own
Grading Homeworks: 60% Final exam: 40% These are “guidelines” for the final grade
Homeworks There will be five homework assignments this semester –You generally have one week to complete them Homeworks will be posted on the course homepage and in CourseWorks
Exams An in-class final exam will be held on the last day of class: Wednesday, August 9 Exam covers material from readings and lectures (so come to class!)
Textbook Cay Horstmann Big Java, Third Edition Available at CU Bookstore or Amazon Chapter numbers are slightly different from the Second Edition
Syllabus Topics covered include: –Advanced Java features –Principles of object-oriented design –Good programming practices –Basic graphics –Data structures Check the course homepage for assigned readings for each lecture
Academic honesty Please familiarize yourself with the Computer Science Department’s policy: It is YOUR responsibility to read and adhere to the policy
Today Review of Java basics –Third edition: Chapters 1-6 except “T” (Testing) and “G” (Graphics) sections –Second edition, chapters 1-7 but not ch.5 Designing Java classes –Third edition: Read sections 8.1 – 8.9 –Second edition: Chapter 9
Chapters 2-3: Using Objects & Implementing Classes Objects and classes Methods Constructors Accessors & mutators Object references The Java API: String, Scanner
Chapter 4: Data Types The 8 primitive Java data types Constants Assignment, Increment, Decrement Math functions
Chapters 5-6: Decisions and Iteration The “if” statement Boolean expressions “while”, “do/while”, and “for” loops