Ad Hoc Mobility Management with Uniform Quorum Systems
UQS –Distributed mobility-management scheme –For ad hoc –Size of quorum intersection is a design parameter that can be tuned to adapt to the traffic and mobility patterns of the network nodes –Tradeoff system reliability and cost of location update (more intersection , more quorum size , then increase traffic of location update) –One possible solution : partitioning of the network
Conventional HLR Conventional scheme HLR –fixed association (node-HLR) : For specific node , it has specific HLR UQS –dynamic association (node-HLR)
Virtual backbone Location databases which form a virtual backbone Routing does not necessarily go through the databases The node location provided by the databases can provide vital information to the routing protocol Define the location of a mobile host as the ID number of its nearest location database
Virtual backbone Need to maintain connectivity Due to backbone nodes are few compared with the whole network , the extra overhead causes by routing is less
node-DB association Nodes containing the location databases can dynamically detach and reattach to the network at any time due to mobiles’ movements or changes in the communication environment
node-DB association Fail –whenever the node containing the database detaches from the network for a long time Fixed association between nodes and databases (node-DB association)
node-DB association Avoid fail problem : multiple HLRs (but still has fixed association problem) Solution : virtual HLR or adaptive HLR (Randomly choose a node as a new HLR , and the database name of this HLR is still the same)
Dynamics of UQS UQS : dynamic association (node-HLR) between any particular quorum to any mobile host May choose the quorum contains the nearest database , and this kind of quorum may be several ones and randomly choose one of them as HLR )
Dynamics of UQS Difference with multiple HLR : If all multiple HLRs of the node are fail , then fail to the node As long as at least one complete quorum is survival , then the system is not fail Each quorum may (can) be the HLR of the node
Dynamics of UQS Because the intersection property of quorum , UQS is dynamic (no fixed association between any particular quorum to any mobile host) (node- HLR)
Others of quorum Quorum is more flexible than adaptive HLR , for example : fixed node-HLR association 、 others need to know your HLR Quorum has high reliability , because “at least one quorum survives…” Other advantage : location and service provider independent numbering 、 load balancing…
Others of quorum BIB (Balanced Incomplete Block) design problem is the same as UQS construction Cost : cost to accessing databases 、 call loss due to database failure But large intersection size require larger size of quorums, which increase the cost of location updates and location queries
Fail & Inaccessible When a backbone node detached from the network , a nearby non-backbone node is recruited to take its place in the virtual backbone When detach exceeds the threshold (time) then replacement But the original database in the node is lost , we call this database fail Inaccessible : detach doesn’t not exceed the threshold
Fail & Inaccessible Need a mechanism to check accessibility of nodes , and the frequency of checking is much higher than that of location update and query (and because the number of virtual nodes is few , the cost is low) Number of intersections will affect backup and reliability Fail and inaccessible should be solved
Update location Situation of update location : –(1) When using the quorum (read) , update the quorum –(2) change of quorum (due to change of location or other reasons) –(3) periodic
Call loss Call loss : –(1)database fail (may have erroneous information) –(2)database inaccessible (low probability , due to the time of inaccessible is low) The probability of call loss depends on the stability of network 、 the frequency of update (but more overhead)
Construction of UQS Five parameters for UQS construction –N : number of database –Q : number of quorum –K : size of quorum –Mi : number of quorum contain database i –R : number of intersection Represented by a N*Q matrix , entry will be 0 or 1 On purpose of uniform , each (database or quorum) R 、 K 、 M is the same
Construction of UQS Some properties of UQS : –Parameter is dependent –For a given set of parameters , its UQS may not exist UQS is the same as BIB , so solution to BIB is solution to UQS
Construction of UQS Due to no sufficient condition of BIB , there is no way to decide whether UQS exists or not 。 And there is no formula can represent the relation among N 、 K 、 R , so it can only be studied some UQS parameter sets under certain situation
Construction of UQS Five series…(skip now) Given N , show the allowable variation of r in Fig3 (the five series) But the five series can’t contain all situations In fact , the choice of N will be affected by routing and load Even given R , the relation of N-K is not one-to- one
Construction of UQS