Capture Cavity 1at A0 SIMCON2.1 with MATLAB closed loop with max gain ( 250 ) RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.07% RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2° closed loop with max gain ( 250 ) RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.07% RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2° closed loop with gain of 40 RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.4% RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.4° run with beam closed loop with gain of 40 RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.4% RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.4° run with beam SIMCON3.1 with DOOCS closed loop with maximum gain RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.02% RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2° closed loop with maximum gain RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.02% RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2° SNS-LLRF with EPICS
SIMCON2.1 Closed loop with maximum gain Achieved amplitude peak to peak noise of 0.07% Achieved phase peak to peak noise of 0.2° MATLAB interface for development only SIMCON3.1 Closed loop with gain of 50 MAX Developed DOOCS control interface Achieved amplitude peak to peak noise of 0.4% Achieved phase peak to peak noise of 0.4° Run with beam SNS Closed loop with maximum gain Used EPICS control interface Amplitude peak to peak noise of 0.02% Phase peak to peak noise of 0.2° Capture Cavity 1at A0
Capture Cavity II at Meson no beam) Running closed loop with FB gain of 12 Running open loop and modifying the cavity resonance frequency using the piezo actuators 37% 1.04 ms (153 Hz) Measurement of the cavity half bandwidth ~153 Hz
Capture Cavity II at Meson no beam) What we’ve achieved so far: Run closed loop, but with a feedback gain of 12 only (issue under investigation) LLRF support for some cryo tests (impact of RF power on cryo bath temperature) LLRF support for piezo tuner measurements What our near term goals are: Achieve a higher feedback gain upgrade SIMCON3.1 firmware run at 1.8K revise SIMCON3.1 hardware to reduce noise (ADCs, I/O, Power supply, external clocks…) Run CCII using SNS-LLRF system What our long term goals are: Collaboration with DESY for the next generation SIMCON board R&D for an FNAL-LLRF system suited for ILC specs