1 Coding Teachers in Science Classrooms using the Inquiry Science Observation Guide Alice K. H. Taum Curriculum Research & Development Group University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
2 Inquiry Science Observation Guide Introduction and Overview –FAST, SCUP Project, Purpose and Development of ISOG General coding guidelines Descriptions for each of the six Activities Definitions of Activity details Code Sheet Recording Sheet Reconciling Recording Sheet
3 Development of the Code Sheet 1.5 year process Collaborative efforts between researchers at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Stanford University and Sonoma State University; FAST teachers; curriculum developers, and coders 36+ revisions
4 Goal of the Code Sheet Identify strings of activities/teacher behaviors using the details in columns A, B, C and D. –questioning strategies used –level of engagement between teacher and students –creating a profile of teachers implementation of FAST in the classroom through science inquiry
5 Design of the Code Sheet 6 activities. 66 possible activity details to plug into the 6 activities. Multiple variations between an activity and the activity details which describe an activity string of teachers pedagogical practices.
6 1. Teacher directs student(s) _____A_______ to _____B_____ _____C_____.
7 1. Teacher directs student(s) individually (1A1) to discuss (1B2) procedures (1C3). 1. Teacher directs student(s) _____A_____ to _____B______ _____C_____.
8 Inquiry Science Observation Recording Sheet Notes the start time of when the “broader” and “other activities” a teacher is engaged in begins Allows for comments to facilitate the reconciliation process Designed to record multiple activities occurring at the same time
9 Broader and Other Activities –The broader activity captures the larger activity occurring: Through interactive questioning (2A2b), the teacher introduces or provides an overview of (2B1) science investigation (2C4). –The other activities capture the details occurring within the broader activity: Teacher questions students through clarifying (3A1a) questioning and responds to student comment (3B1) by repeating (3C2) the comment and probing further (3C6).
11 Reconciling Codes Two coders are paired to compare their independent codings, identifying any differences between them. Differences are then discussed and each coder provides a rationale for his or her selected code. When necessary, a review of the DVD is conducted by the paired coders. Coding differences are discussed until consensus is reached between coders.
12 Inquiry Science Observation Reconciling Code Sheet
13 Challenges greatest challenges: –establishing universal definitions for terms and phrases What constitutes a “procedure”? What is the difference between a science “term” and a science “concept”? –standardizing the recording of activity strings using the Recording Sheet broader verses other activities –focusing on the teacher, rather than on the students
14 What Next? To date we have: – videotaped 15 teachers; –140 videotape cassettes have been digitized to DVDs; –116 have been quality-checked for audio clarity and teacher visibility; and –8 coders are trained and ready to begin coding!