JUDAISM Place of Origin Israel Founder Abraham, also Moses (who gave the Jews the Torah containing the laws of God)Abraham Sacred Text The TeNaCh (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim)The TeNaCh Sacred Building SynagogueSynagogue Holy Place Jerusalem Spriritual Leaders: Rabbi
SYMBOLS Menora Mezuzah (a little case, containing a tiny scroll. The writing on the scroll is from the bible. It says that Jewish people should love God and keep his rules.)
SYMBOLS Star of David
BELIEFS AND PRACTICES Israel: God’s chosen people Sabbath: on Friday (no work) Bar mitzva and Bat mitzva : ceremonies for boys and girls to become adults Kiddushin: marriage - under a huppah (sometimes spelled chuppah), a canopy. The couple make a written contract or promises together. This is called the Ketubah. A glass is broken to remind them that sadness is always just around the corner for Jews
Kiddushin: marriage - under a huppah (sometimes spelled chuppah), a canopy. - The couple make a written contract or promises together. (Ketubah. ) - A glass is broken to remind them that sadness is always just around the corner for Jews