UVM-AWRA CHARRETTE: designing an alternative stormwater treatment technique W h a t I s a C h a r r e t t e? A Charrette is a cross-disciplinary workshop to create designs for complicated problems in a brief time window.
THE PROBLEM: Stormwater Runoff from impervious surfaces 17 streams and rivers in VT impaired by stormwater UVM’s 5 new treatment ponds Centralized treatment – undersized? over-worked?
Centralized Stormwater Treatment Centralized Stormwater Treatment Reduces rate of runoff for selected design storms Fails to control volume of runoff Water quality treatment??? Commonly no recharge to groundwater
Decentralized Approaches Small-scale approach Treat close to source Encourage infiltration, evapotranspiration Examples: Filter/buffer strips Filter/buffer strips Bioswales Bioswales Infiltration trenches Infiltration trenches Permeable pavement Permeable pavement Roofgardens Roofgardens
THE PROJECT Design for demonstration project Votey parking lot, 4820 m 2 drainage area, 85% TIA Stormwater monitoring data Lead and trace metals Lead and trace metals 2 Fall storm events 2 Fall storm events
Mission & Goals Minimize the ecological footprint Increase environmental consciousness “Greening the campus” Promote excellence in environmental academics
Decentralized Practices Bioretention Dry Wells Filter Strips Swales Rain Barrels Cisterns Infiltration Trenches Tree Box Filter
Bioretention Landscaped areas Conditioned soil Detains and infiltrates Components: Pretreatment area Pretreatment area Ponding area Ponding area Ground cover Ground cover Planting soil Planting soil Plants Plants Inlet and outlet controls Inlet and outlet controls
Dry Wells & Infiltration Trenches Excavated trenches Backfill with stone or gravel Detains and infiltrates Components: Pretreatment - filtering Backfill material Filter fabric lining Inflow and outflow controls Observation well
Filter Strips Grassy vegetation between runoff source and receiving waterbody Level spreader for sheet flow Components: Flow distribution Flow distribution Planting material Planting material Berm Berm Outlet Controls Outlet Controls
Swales Dry or wet swales to slow runoff and promote infiltration Typical along roadways Components Pretreatment Pretreatment Check dams Check dams Underdrain Underdrain Planting material Planting material Conditioned soil Conditioned soil
Rain Barrels & Cisterns Small-scale, low-cost devices Detention and re-use Above or below ground Components: Screen or filter Container Sighting gauge Inlet, outlet, overflow
Tree Box Filters In-ground containers with street trees Detains, infiltrates, evapotranspirates Components: Open-bottom vault Porous soil media Underdrain Salt- and water- tolerant trees
CONSTRAINTS Physical Characteristics of Site Cost Maintenance Requirements