Project: Ink Slinger Type: Turret Team Members Mandi Fournier, Ryan Kittredge, Adam Ranney, Stephen Gagnon, Denver Wilson
Input will be an ASCII file (.txt) format of 100 bytes max. It is desirable to make use of prefabricated components and subassemblies that can be economically purchased. Important considerations are appearance, size, and cost. Optional Functions to consider are edge border plotting and multiple colors of text. The project must be completed in 8 weeks!!!!?!!! THE PROBLEM: Develop an automated system that satisfactorily plots text on various sizes of poster board. T
Our goal is to design and manufacture a wheeled vehicle for the sole purpose of printing a sign. We plan that the vehicle will inscribe standard 7 segment style characters, one line at a time, on a piece of paper. The vehicle will draw horizontal makings by utilizing the vehicle’s drive motors. Moving the pen perpendicular to the vehicle’s drive direction will draw vertical markings. Diagonal markings will use a combination of these two movements. The vehicle will have an onboard processor that can be programmed to write a string of characters. Budget should be fairly low. We plan to utilize common components, which VTC should have in stock. Product Specifications & Budget
Project Schedule
Pros & Cons We had three design ideas: –Cam Turret –Wheel Turret –Linear Actuator The basis of these ratings is just from the group’s idea of what the hardest thing would be in each category. No tests have been done at this time.
Wheel Turret Design
Linear Actuator Design
Cam Turret Design
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Rover - Previous Senior Project Bob - Electrical Department