SOUND Heidi Chase- RET Corps Member Andrea Guillebeaux- Teacher Winnie Koo- Teacher IIT Research Mentor: Ralph Muehleisen This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. EEC Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Overview Of Demonstration Lesson On Sound Topics Covered: –Pre-test/post-test –The goal of the lesson was to explain how volume pitch and timbre affect sound waves. –Design project focused on muting sounds entering objects and why that would be important. Student Involvement –Prior knowledge- entry activity –Identifying changes in sound –Design project
Pretest/Posttest Results Pretest –The students completed the unit test on sound. The test covered the content in the whole module. Posttest –Students completed 5 questions on posttest. –Understood: pitch, wavelength –Misconceptions: volume
Design Students developed a design that would mute sound entering a food container. Materials: –Cereal container, sound level meter, foam, bubble wrap, sponge, tin foil, play doh, paper plates, plastic bowls, wash cloths, tape, and noisemakers. Students worked in pairs and were responsible for choosing materials, designing a product to mute sound, and testing their product.
Inquiry Students were posed with a question on how to BEST mute sound using a given list of materials Students were given a set of parameters: the container had to be open and we had to be able to read the sound meter inside. HOWEVER, no further instruction on how to design a product that would achieve the goal. Designs were tested and data was compared
Ethics Purpose behind the design project: why would we want to control sound? –Loud sounds in environment –Protect hearing –Respect for neighbors –Extension: classroom learning environment
Improvements/ Recommendations Inquiry Improvement: Enhance comparison of data by measuring a base decibel level prior to design. Visual aids in explanation of pitch and volume. Design elements of project: tape meter to side of cereal container and more consistency with noise.
Modifications Final Design in Module –The design project involved muting the sound coming from instruments. –Student created comparison scale. Design Modifications for Presentation –Students muted the sound entering an enclosed area (meant to simulate ear) –Compared decibel level inside of object