HHMI at Stanford
“The primary purpose and objective of The Howard Hughes Medical Institute shall be the promotion of human knowledge within the field of the basic sciences (principally the field of medical research and medical education) and the effective application thereof for the benefit of mankind.” HHMI Mission Statement
Overview Administrative office to support the local investigators: Very much like any academic department, yet no teaching components & no grad students Regional approach to research management Region = UCSF, UCB, UCSC, Stanford, Washington-Oregon One site can be backed-up by another w/in the region Functions Human Resources Purchasing Budgeting & Finance Health & Safety Equipment & asset management Facilities – space allocations Intra-departmental relations
HHMI – Stanford OAS Location: Beckman Center, Room B202 Phone Number : Fax Number: Staff: John P. Kennedy, Manager Barbara Martin, Purchasing Assistant Jeanie Oberlindacher, Purchasing Coordinator Nancy Wolowski, Human Resources Assistant And Margareta Svensson-Rosenberg, Lab Manager
Staff Nancy Wolowski : Human Resourcesphone: Human Resources New hires, Associate appointments & renewals Benefits administration Visa and work authorizations Time Reporting & Payroll distribution PTO tracking & monitoring Policy dissemination Office administrative support Convenience check reimbursements On-Campus reconciliation support Policy dissemination – of general nature Daily mail activities
Staff (cont) Jeanie Oberlindacher : Purchasing phone: Purchasing Procurement of goods & services for the lab from non-EDI vendors Purchase orders, Credit Card, Check Requests Process requests for memberships and subscriptions Problem resolution for returns, damaged goods, mis-shipments, etc Problem resolution for vendor invoicing and billing issues Monitor & fix open encumbrance issues Maintain authorized user records New user training Barbara Martin: Purchasing phone: Purchasing Procurement of goods & services for the lab from EDI vendors Process requests for maintenance & repairs Problem resolution for returns, damaged goods, mis-shipments, etc Problem resolution for vendor invoicing and billing issues ProCard reconciliation Monitor & fix open encumbrance issues Travel advance & reimbursement coordination New user training
Staff (cont) Margareta Svensson-Rosenberg : Physical Resources phone: Equipment Management Maintenance & repair issues Fixed asset inventory and control Equipment training Health & Safety EH&S Training EH&S regulatory Compliance Stanford, City, County, State Glasswash Facility oversight Facility – space inventory updates
Staff (cont) John P. Kennedy : Administration phone Customer Service Conduit of information Manage OAS & implement staff back-up procedures Management consultation & guidance Budget and Finances Personnel management Policy administration for HHMI, Host Health & Safety Facilities management Administrative relief Local Representative Establish relationship w/regional office, HQ, Host, investigators & employees Understand and operate w/in academic setting Advocate for investigators Liaison w/Hosts
Investigators - - Stanford University Richard W. Aldrich, Ph.D. Molecular Mechanisms of Ion Channel Function Gregory S. Barsh, M.D., Ph.D. Developmental Genetics of Mouse Coat Color Patrick O. Brown, M.D., Ph.D. Genomic Approaches to Studying the Activities of Genes Gerald R. Crabtree, M.D. Signal Transduction in the Differentiation and Development of Lymphocytes Mark M. Davis, Ph.D. Molecular Approaches to Lymphocyte Recognition and Differentiation David M. Kingsley, Ph.D. Genetic Control of Vertebrate Skeletal Development Mark A. Krasnow, M.D., Ph.D. Genetic Control of Airway Development Emmanuel Mignot, Md., Ph.D. Narcolepsy, Sleep, and Hypocretin (Orexin) William T. Newsome, Ph.D. Neural Mechanisms Underlying Visual Perception and Visually Based Cognition Roel Nusse, Ph.D. Functions of Wnt Genes in the Development of Drosophila Matthew P. Scott, Ph.D. Regulation of Animal Development by Homeotic Genes and Signaling Systems
Investigators - - UC Santa Cruz David Haussler, Ph.D. Algorithms for Genome Analysis Yishi Jin, Ph.D. Synaptogenesis and Synaptic Remodeling in Caenorhabditis elegans