מבוא לעיבוד מקבילי דר' גיא תל-צור סמסטר א' 2006
רשימת נושאים שנסקרו עד כה בקורס הרשימה מיועדת לסייע לתלמיד בהכנה לבוחן בכך שהיא מאזכרת מושגים. אולם, יובהר בזאת כי הרשימה הינה חלקית, בלתי מחייבת ואינה מהווה תחליף ללימוד כל אחד מפרקי השעורים
Parallel Processing – Definition Parallel Processing limitations Complexity Monte Carlo Simulations SMP Flynn’s Taxonomy Speedup Work, p * t P Efficiency, t s / (p * t P ) Amdahl’s law Computation/Commu nication Ratio Load Imbalance
Domain Decomposition Message Passing PVM SPMD MPI MPI_Send() MPI_Recv() MPI_Init() MPI_Finalize() Deadlock Collective communication Shared memory Network topology Bisection Width Diameter Connectivity
Cost Torous (3D) Binary Tree Hypercube Profiling Benchmarking Condor HTC Opportunistic environment ClassAds and Match Making Master-Worker Communicator Point-to-point MPI_Comm_size()
MPI_Comm_rank() Latency Bandwidth Synchronous send/recv Blocking/Non-blocking Broadcast Scatter broadcast Gather Unsafe message passing t comm = t startup + nt data MPI_ANY_SOURCE MPI_ANY_TAG Send/Recv modes –Like ISend/Irecv MPI_Wtime() All-to-All
Partitioning Divide and Conquer Bucket sort Numerical integration using rectangles Gravitational N-Body Problem Barnes-Hut Algorithm Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Low level image processing Mandelbrot Set Pipelined Computations
Sorting Numbers Solving a System of Linear Equations Spawn Personal Condor Parallel regions Work sharing - parallel for (forall) First/last private OpenMP reduction: reduction(+:variable) Fork-join Thread safe Shared data Critical section Locks semaphores
Bernstein’s condition OpenMP sections Load Balancing Termination detection Static/Dynamic Centralized Decentralized Work pool Termination detection using a token or two tokens Synchronous Computations Barrier Jacobi Iteration Allgather Block/ cyclic allocation
Heat Distribution Problem Natural ordering Sequential/Parallel code Partitioning Block/Strip Cellular Automata Game of Life Matrix multiplication Solving a system of linear equations Partitioning into Submatrices Recursive Algorithm
Dense/ Sparse matrices Gaussian Elimination Iterative Methods Finite Difference Method Gauss-Seidel Relaxation Red-Black Ordering Overrelaxation