Latitude & Longitude
Location There are two ways to find location in geography: Relative Location – the location of one place in relation to another Absolute Location – the exact position of a place on the earth’s surface
Grid System Latitude – Lines that circle the earth parallel to the Equator and measure the distance north or south of the Equator in degrees Lat. - Ladder Lat. – Fat, belt=Equator
Grid System Longitude – Lines that circle the earth from Pole to Pole. Measure distances east or west of the Prime Meridian. Long Longitude – Each line is as long as the others
Grid System Together, Latitude and Longitude form a grid system EVERY place on earth has an absolute location and can be found using Latitude and Longitude.
Using Latitude & Longitude Just like a graph in math, first find your Axis. (0°, 0°) Prime Meridian Equator
Finding Latitude Move North or South on the Prime Meridian (0°) until you reach the correct line of latitude. Example: 30° N
Finding Longitude After you’ve found the line of latitude, move east or west until you reach the line of longitude Example: 30°N, 90°E
Results! China! You’ve now reached your final destination. What country is located at 30°N, 90°E?
Russia! Practice What country is located at the following coordinates: 60°N, 60°E Russia!
Practice What sea is located at the following coordinates: 60°N, 60°W Labrador Sea
Practice Fiji Which Island Nation is found at the following coordinates: 19°S, 175°E
Guatemala City Practice Which City is located at the following coordinates: 15°N, 91°W Guatemala City
Practice ON YOUR OWN Sturgis, SD Cyprus Country - 35°N, 31°E Mountain Range – 23.5°N, 105°W Sea - 20°N, 39°E Peninsula - 67°N, 35°E Lake - 53°N,109°E Mountain - 43°S, 171°E City – 44.4°N, 103.5°W Singapore Sierra Madre Occidental Red Sea Kola Peninsula Lake Baikal Mt. Cook Sturgis, SD
Reverse L & L Please tell me the Latitude and Longitude of the following places: Australia Saudi Arabia Madrid, Spain Mt. Kilimanjaro Strait of Magellan (Chile/Argentina) Mississippi River Delta Any volunteers to show the class on the map how they found their L & L?