November 14, 2006 MIT OpenCourseWare Video Opportunities and Risks
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 1 I.Background II.Opportunities and Risks III.Moving Forward
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 2 Recent developments and opportunities raise questions about strategy, risk, decision-making and future directions for video in OCW. Background “Yale to post free videos of lectures online”
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 3 Background – Status of Video in OCW › Selective video publishing due to cost and faculty resistance 21 courses full courses, 1000 total hours › All video IP reviewed by OCW › Video lectures expensive $20,000-$30,000 per course 50% of OCW bandwidth › 7 of 10 most popular courses have video › Growing faculty acceptance 80% of MIT faculty think OCW should publish video lectures 50% willing to publish video with their courses
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 4 Background – MITWorld › Free and open video of significant MIT events › 380 events, 570 hours › 90 events added per year › Video production costs $1000 per event › Traffic is approximately 25% of OCW video traffic
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 5 Background – AMPS Video Services for MIT Zigzag, the AMPS video magazine, is linked from MIT’s home page AMPS has a large portfolio of videos on the web that chronicle MIT life and events -- but these are not IP cleared › Fee-based services include video capture and editing digital encoding for streaming and web download video for special MIT events › OCW and MITWorld are major clients
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 6 Background – Research at MIT’s Spoken Language Systems Group (CSAIL) › MIT research will make it easier to create, disseminate and use recorded lecture material Automated transcripts Automated indexing Content summaries Search tools
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 7 Background – Trends Outside MIT › Decreasing costs for digital video capture and delivery › Expanding access to audio/video content on Internet as major players offer free hosting, easy to use tools, mix of free/fee content › Rapid movement of news content to Internet with real-time streaming and podcasts (NPR, WGBH, CNN, etc.) › Increasing amounts of free video and audio content coming from universities › Exploding popularity of sites such as YouTube based on Internet video sharing Yale UC Berkeley Stanford
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 8 Background – UC Berkeley Course Webcasts › Free and open site has offered course video lectures since 2001 › Primarily targeted at UC Berkeley students but open to the public › 27 courses online this fall › Thousands of hours of online content including several years of archived course material
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 9 Background – UC Berkeley Pilots in 2006 › UC Berkeley Google Video Pilot Free and open site UC Berkeley-branded page 6 courses with full video lectures › UC Berkeley iTunesU Pilot Free and open site UC Berkeley-branded page Hundreds of hours of course audio lectures across numerous courses and several disciplines
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 10 Background – Stanford on iTunesU › Announced in 2005 › Free and open for download to desktop or iPod using iTunes › Hundreds of hours of video and audio Faculty lectures, guest lectures, forums, campus initiatives Sports, music, reunion events › Planning 4 full courses for 2007
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 11 Background – Yale’s Open Educational Resources Video Project › 7 courses will be available with full video lectures under free and open license › Taping has begun “In the latest sign of the arrival of video on the Internet, Yale University announced Wednesday that it will be posting, for free, course syllabi and videos of lectures for a selected group of classes.” 9/22/2006
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 12 Background – Response to the Yale Announcement “Yale seems to be going where MIT has not - with videotaped lectures. Having shied away from putting a significant number of courses on video (and come on - you can well afford to do it if you wish) are you afraid of being no longer at the bleeding edge? Consider YouTube and all...that's where the frontier is at nowadays. Professor Strang is one of the best advertisements for MIT one can imagine...” Educator, Alaska
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 13 Opportunities and Risks - Potential Partners › Google Video content dominated by contributions from individuals, free and for-fee offerings easy downloads or streaming free hosting and MIT-branded page (see UC Berkeley page)UC Berkeley page › Apple iTunesU limited to university participation at invitation of Apple easy downloads for iTunes and iPod users free hosting and MIT-branded page (see Berkeley or Stanford pages) Stanford pages › Internet Archive free hosting, smaller audience, no MIT-branded page, no contract
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 14 Opportunities and Risks › Opportunities Explore ways to reduce costs via vendor hosting Increase traffic and meet OCW user demands Learn about emerging technologies and future options Maintain leadership in the open knowledge field › Risks Legal issues include indemnification of vendors, controlling use of MIT name, avoiding IP/privacy infringement, accessibility Vendors interests may conflict with MIT goals
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 15 Moving Forward › Work closely with OCW faculty advisory committee Develop principles for video to be openly published Evaluate pilots for internal and external impact › Collaborate with MIT Libraries/AMPS Identify improvements to lower costs of video production and meet accessibility requirements › Conduct pilots with Google, Apple, and others Clarify/resolve legal issues in contracts Work with faculty who opt-in › Form video special interest group (OCW, AMPS, MITWorld, CSAIL) to address common issues
Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 16 Thank You!