November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC How Useful are Podcasts in Reinforcing Content Learning? Johanna Katchen ( 柯安娜教授 ) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Context Required freshman course: Introduction to English for majors in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature Course gives some basic information about the English language: a review of the sound system, overview of the history (diachronic), overview of Englishes around the world (synchronic)
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Taught in English Text—excerpts from Crystal, D. (1995). The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language. Cambridge University Press. In addition to lecture and textbook, wanted other ways to reinforce learning Wanted to cut down on handouts and save trees Fall 2007, 84 students, including non-majors
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Supplemental Materials University uses Blackboard with both English and Chinese interface Despite some difficulties with internal links with sound files, generally it is easy to use Can upload HTML files, pdf, Power Point files, sound files, video files
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Word files are problematic; there may be difficulties in downloading Linguistics symbols may turn up as nonsense characters (especially if students are using a different default language on their computers) To eliminate these problems, convert the files to pdf before uploading
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC The Power Point Slides Files were uploaded at the beginning of the semester Students were encouraged to download these before class and follow them during the lectures, take notes on them
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC On-line Quizzes Used Hot Potatoes Immediate feedback; I did not collect results nor require students to use them Mostly multiple choice, a few matching
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC The Video Clips For this course, use parts of The Story of English (BBC, nine-part video series, each part 55 minutes, accompanying book) Digitized using Windows Movie (wmv) format Also provided transcripts
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Audio Files Some clips come only in audio, such as recordings of Old and Middle English Audio-recorded my lectures and uploaded them as MP3 files as an additional way for students to review Adding the audio lectures was new; I wanted to see whether students would find them useful
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Questionnaire At the end of the course I gave a questionnaire to find out how the various aspects of the class were being received
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC How often did you use the PowerPoint lecture slides? 3 or more times per week 7 Once or twice per week43 Only right before an exam32
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC How did you use the PowerPoint lecture slides? Print them out before class and take notes on them in class 39 Look at them after class.21 Check them before an exam.39 Other 1 (Check them before class)
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC The Power Point lecture slides were Very useful58 Somewhat useful24 Not very useful 1 Not useful 0
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC How often did you use the quizzes? Three or more times per week 3 Once or twice per week 5 Only right before an exam76
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC The quizzes were Very useful61 Somewhat useful20 Not very useful 2 Not useful 0
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC How often did you use the MP3 audio recordings of class lectures? Three of more times per week 0 Once or twice per week 9 Only right before an exam69
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC The MP3 class lectures were Very useful 6 Somewhat useful44 Not very useful24 Not useful 4
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC I did NOT attend class Always attended15 1 or 2 times19 3 to 5 times28 6 to 10 times14 Over 10 times 7
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC I think my final grade in this class will be Over Below 60 5
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Comments on the Questionnaire Volume on the MP3 was not clear; with larger classroom I now use a microphone, and I also know how to boost the volume on the audio file Liked PowerPoint but wanted some lectures without PowerPoint Liked the video clips
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Data from Blackboard on Number of Hits on Class Recordings Celtic and Latin 723French Vocabulary I 516 Early Britain 486French Vocabulary II 464 Old English 787Middle English Pronunciation 27 The Sounds of Old English 75Early Modern English 466 The Vikings I 367Influence of Shakespeare and the Bible 406 The Vikings II 324Changes in Early Modern English I 19 Norman Conquest I 417Changes in Early Modern English II 16 Norman Conquest II 403
November 15, 2008Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching ETA-ROC Data from Current Semester on Hits on My Audio-recorded Lectures 1. What is Linguistics? Influence from Celtic Sounds of American English Influence from Latin Part Indo-European Part Influence from Latin Part Indo-European Part Scandinavians Part Romans and Celts Scandinavians Part Old English Grammar Part Norman Conquest Old English Grammar Part French Influence on Vocabulary Sounds of Old English French Influence on Vocabulary 2 7