INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington LEADERSHIP, COMMUNITY and VALUES Preliminary Findings: Surveys and Discussion Groups
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington CONTEXT
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Staff Academic Student Employees Faculty Number4, ,427 Response Rate 20% 14%31% Breakdown of Staff Responses Professional StaffClassified StaffNot Identified Number2,3041, % of Staff Respondents 50%43%7% Survey Respondents Total N = 6473
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Engagement I care about the future of UW I am proud to work at UW The UW is a good place to work The UW inspires me to do my best work
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Satisfaction and Morale Morale is generally good among staff at UW How satisfied are you in general with your job at the UW
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Resources and Salary How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your worklife at the UW?
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington LEADERSHIP
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Career Advancement How your career has progressed/prospects for advancement Informal and Formal mentoring available to you Opportunities for professional development How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your worklife at the UW?
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Transparency I am a participant in the problem- solving/decision-making in my unit In my unit. In Central Administration The UW has effective procedures in place to resolve problems between staff members and their supervisors I understand how and why decisions are made in…
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Effective Leadership There is effective leadership in Dept/Unit There is effective leadership in Central Admin I trust leadership in Central Admin
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Community
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Gender The UW has a positive climate for …. Male Staff Female Staff
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Ethnicity The UW has a positive climate for staff of color.
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington The UW has a positive climate for …. Ability Status and Sexual Orientation
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Professional Staff Classified Staff Staff Classification The UW has a positive climate for ….
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Collegial Relations I am respected by… I enjoy my co-workers or colleagues Relationships between faculty/ staff and administrators are generally positive
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Shared Purpose Understand how work contributes to educational mission Understand how role relates to UW goals/ objectives
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Values
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Work/Life How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your worklife at the UW? Recognition for your work Support for balancing career and family Ability to thrive professionally with small children
INQUIREINSPIREINNOVATEIMPLEMENT Leadership, Community and Values University of Washington Shared Values Education Respect Research Students Integrity Community Excellence Service Honesty Quality Diversity Knowledge Learning Accountability Innovation Responsibility Creativity Communication Inclusion Scholarship Collaboration Hard Work Ethics Compassion Truth