IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Launching a Successful Physics Career: Summary Report Beverly Karplus Hartline IUPAP Working Group Member Argonne National Laboratory, USA
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Launching a Successful Physics Career Topic organizing committee: Beverly Hartline (USA, Chair), Elisa Molinari (Italy), Herwig Schopper (Switzerland), Yosr Gamal (Egypt) Discussion leaders: B. Hartline, Marilia Caldes (Brazil), Gillian Gehring (UK), Engin Arik (Turkey) Recorders: Dimitra Darambara (UK), Annalisa Fasolino (Netherlands), Liv Hornekaer (Denmark), Peter Melville (UK)
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Career Phases and Issues Launching your physics career –Choosing a physics specialty and career path –Setting near-term and long-range goals –Obtaining position/funding; peer review Gaining reputation and visibility –Finding/making the best mentors and opportunities –Getting and succeeding in important assignments –Assessing progress and adjusting goals Winning the success and recognition you deserve –Knowing/changing ‘the game;’ rewards and promotions –Preparing to join the power structure
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Alternative Physics Career Paths Academia: university level, school level; teaching, research, administration Industry: research, manufacturing, sales, management Government: research, policy, regulations, politics, management Others: writing, finance, medicine, law, movies… Education: Doctorate, lesser degrees
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Some Key Questions What does a successful physics career look like? What kinds of choices lead to success? What are the most important factors that facilitate women’s success in physics? How can one ensure gender-blind processes, so women get the chances they deserve? What kinds of barriers are most troublesome and what strategies avoid or overcome them? How can one find (or make) a great mentor? How do women make physics better or stronger?
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Three Dimensions of Success Recognition: advancement, peer respect, publications, citations, job offers, invitations, funding success... Impact on Society: improvement to country, society, physics, science, world... Individual/self: fun, independence, life balance, balance between effort & rewards Importance of different dimensions depends on age, experience, & success
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Important Factors for Launching and Achieving a Successful Career Passion for physics Career goals & strategy to achieve them Choice of university and subfield Good supervisor(s)/mentor(s): funding, contacts, encouragement, advocacy Good assignments & progressively responsible positions Strong recommendations from highly regarded people Networking: in institution, country, internationally Resourcefulness, adaptability, persistence, “disaster management”
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Important International Differences Social-cultural expectations Size of country and its physics enterprise Wealth of country: equipment for physics Amount of concern about women in physics Developed vs developing nations –Existence and reputation of universities –Quality of schools and girls’ education –Industries doing research & development –Employment opportunities using physics –Availability of computers, even electricity
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Controversial Issues Affirmative action –Hiring rules and quotas –Prizes specially for women and girls –Potential to undermine progress Multiple post-doctoral positions “Volunteering” in research laboratory if unable to obtain a paid position
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Recommendations to IUPAP & UNESCO Ensure funding opportunities exist for physicists in developing countries Provide continuing web presence for Women in Physics Provide web links to funding sources Establish international speaker program for women (USA/APS model) –Web list of speakers & topics –Funding support for travel Sponsor prestigious topical summer schools Request data on women in physics from liaison committees in member countries
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Recommendations to Universities and Employers Help women learn “rules of the game” for funding and career advancement –Web resources –Transparent processes and criteria for recruitment and promotion Require committees to explain decisions Hire women physicists Put women in leadership positions and on important committees Support networking Create R&D opportunities in developing countries Prevent career damage due to childbearing: pause “career clock,” save position
IUPAP Women in Physics 7 March 2002 Topic 2: Launching a Successful Career Recommendations to Individuals (=Us) Decide your career goals & strategy Have confidence in yourself! Find/make good supervisor(s)/mentor(s) –Change if not good: you deserve the best! Seek the best physicists & learn from them Network with other women to help each other Promise a lot and deliver more Ask for what you need Get famous—write a book,… Invite at least one person you met here to give a talk or seek a job in your country