Peer-to-Peer Networking Credit slides from J. Pang, B. Richardson, I. Stoica.


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Presentation transcript:

Peer-to-Peer Networking Credit slides from J. Pang, B. Richardson, I. Stoica

2 Why Study P2P  Huge fraction of traffic on networks today  >=50%!  Exciting new applications  Next level of resource sharing  Vs. timesharing, client-server  E.g. Access 10’s-100’s of TB at low cost.

3 Share of Internet Traffic

4 Number of Users Others include BitTorrent, eDonkey, iMesh, Overnet, Gnutella BitTorrent (and others) gaining share from FastTrack (Kazaa).

5 What is P2P used for?  Use resources of end-hosts to accomplish a shared task  Typically share files  Play game  Search for patterns in data

6 What’s new?  Taking advantage of resources at the edge of the network  Fundamental shift in computing capability  Increase in absolute bandwidth over WAN

7 Peer to Peer  Systems:  Napster  Gnutella  KaZaA  BitTorrent  Chord

8 Key issues for P2P systems  Join/leave  How do nodes join/leave? Who is allowed?  Search and retrieval  How to find content?  How are metadata indexes built, stored, distributed?  Content Distribution  Where is content stored? How is it downloaded and retrieved?

9 4 Key Primitives Join – How to enter/leave the P2P system? Publish – How to advertise a file? Search how to find a file? Fetch – how to download a file?

10 Publish and Search  Basic strategies:  Centralized (Napster)  Flood the query (Gnutella)  Route the query(Chord)  Different tradeoffs depending on application  Robustness, scalability, legal issues

11 Napster: History  In 1999, S. Fanning launches Napster  Peaked at 1.5 million simultaneous users  Jul 2001, Napster shuts down

12 Napster: Overiew  Centralized Database:  Join: on startup, client contacts central server  Publish: reports list of files to central server  Search: query the server => return someone that stores the requested file  Fetch: get the file directly from peer

13 Napster: Publish I have X, Y, and Z! Publish insert(X, )

14 Napster: Search Where is file A? Query Reply search(A) --> Fetch

15 Napster: Discussion  Pros:  Simple  Search scope is O(1)  Controllable (pro or con?)  Cons:  Server maintains O(N) State  Server does all processing  Single point of failure

16 Gnutella: History  In 2000, J. Frankel and T. Pepper from Nullsoft released Gnutella  Soon many other clients: Bearshare, Morpheus, LimeWire, etc.  In 2001, many protocol enhancements including “ultrapeers”

17 Gnutella: Overview  Query Flooding:  Join: on startup, client contacts a few other nodes; these become its “neighbors”  Publish: no need  Search: ask neighbors, who as their neighbors, and so on... when/if found, reply to sender.  Fetch: get the file directly from peer

18 I have file A. Gnutella: Search Where is file A? Query Reply

19 Gnutella: Discussion  Pros:  Fully de-centralized  Search cost distributed  Cons:  Search scope is O(N)  Search time is O(???)  Nodes leave often, network unstable

20 Aside: Search Time?

21 Aside: All Peers Equal? 56kbps Modem 10Mbps LAN 1.5Mbps DSL 56kbps Modem 1.5Mbps DSL

22 Aside: Network Resilience Partial TopologyRandom 30% dieTargeted 4% die from Saroiu et al., MMCN 2002

23 KaZaA: History  In 2001, KaZaA created by Dutch company Kazaa BV  Single network called FastTrack used by other clients as well: Morpheus, giFT, etc.  Eventually protocol changed so other clients could no longer talk to it  Most popular file sharing network today with >10 million users (number varies)

24 KaZaA: Overview  “Smart” Query Flooding:  Join: on startup, client contacts a “supernode”... may at some point become one itself  Publish: send list of files to supernode  Search: send query to supernode, supernodes flood query amongst themselves.  Fetch: get the file directly from peer(s); can fetch simultaneously from multiple peers

25 KaZaA: Network Design “Super Nodes”

26 KaZaA: File Insert I have X! Publish insert(X, )

27 KaZaA: File Search Where is file A? Query search(A) --> search(A) --> Replies

28 KaZaA: Discussion  Pros:  Tries to take into account node heterogeneity: Bandwidth Host Computational Resources Host Availability (?)  Rumored to take into account network locality  Cons:  Mechanisms easy to circumvent  Still no real guarantees on search scope or search time

29 P2P systems  Napster  Launched P2P  Centralized index  Gnutella:  Focus is simple sharing  Using simple flooding  Kazaa  More intelligent query routing  BitTorrent  Focus on Download speed, fairness in sharing

30 BitTorrent: History  In 2002, B. Cohen debuted BitTorrent  Key Motivation:  Popularity exhibits temporal locality (Flash Crowds)  E.g., Slashdot effect, CNN on 9/11, new movie/game release  Focused on Efficient Fetching, not Searching:  Distribute the same file to all peers  Single publisher, multiple downloaders  Has some “real” publishers:  Blizzard Entertainment using it to distribute the beta of their new game

31 BitTorrent: Overview  Swarming:  Join: contact centralized “tracker” server, get a list of peers.  Publish: Run a tracker server.  Search: Out-of-band. E.g., use Google to find a tracker for the file you want.  Fetch: Download chunks of the file from your peers. Upload chunks you have to them.


33 BitTorrent: Sharing Strategy  Employ “Tit-for-tat” sharing strategy  “I’ll share with you if you share with me”  Be optimistic: occasionally let freeloaders download Otherwise no one would ever start! Also allows you to discover better peers to download from when they reciprocate

34 BitTorrent: Summary  Pros:  Works reasonably well in practice  Gives peers incentive to share resources; avoids freeloaders  Cons:  Central tracker server needed to bootstrap swarm (is this really necessary?)

35 DHT: History  In , academic researchers said “we want to play too!”  Motivation:  Frustrated by popularity of all these “half-baked” P2P apps :)  We can do better! (so we said)  Guaranteed lookup success for files in system  Provable bounds on search time  Provable scalability to millions of node  Hot Topic in networking ever since

36 DHT: Overview  Abstraction: a distributed “hash-table” (DHT) data structure:  put(id, item);  item = get(id);  Implementation: nodes in system form a distributed data structure  Can be Ring, Tree, Hypercube, Skip List, Butterfly Network,...

37 DHT: Overview (2)  Structured Overlay Routing:  Join: On startup, contact a “bootstrap” node and integrate yourself into the distributed data structure; get a node id  Publish: Route publication for file id toward a close node id along the data structure  Search: Route a query for file id toward a close node id. Data structure guarantees that query will meet the publication.  Fetch: P2P fetching

Tapestry: a DHT-based P2P system focusing on fault-tolerance Danfeng (Daphne) Yao

39 A very big picture – P2P networking  Observe  Dynamic nature of the computing environment  Network Expansion  Require  Robustness, or fault tolerance  Scalability  Self-administration, or self-organization

40 Goals to achieve in Tapestry  Decentralization  Routing uses local data  Efficiency, scalability  Robust routing mechanism  Resilient to node failures  An easy way to locate objects

41 IDs in Tapestry  NodeID  ObjectID  IDs are computed using a hash function  The hash function is a system-wide parameter  Use ID for routing  Locating an object  Finding a node  A node stores its neighbors’ IDs

42 Tapestry routing: 0325  4598 Suffix-based routing

43 Each object is assigned a root node  Root node: a unique node for object O with the longest matching suffix  Root knows where O is rootId = O Copy of O Publish: node S routes a msg to root of O Closest location is stored if exist multiple copies Location query: a msg for O is routed towards O’s root How to choose the root node for an object? S

44 Surrogate routing: unique mapping without global knowledge  Problem: how to choose a unique root node of an object deterministically  Surrogate routing  Choose an object’s root (surrogate) node such that whose nodeId is the closest to the objectId  Small overhead, but no need of global knowledge  The number of additional hops is small

45 Surrogate example: find the root node for objectId = object root empty empty …….

46 Tapestry: adaptable, fault-resilient, self-management  Basic routing and location  Backpointer list in neighbor map  Multiple mappings are stored  More semantic flexibility: selection operator for choosing returned objects

47 A single Tapestry node Neighbor Map For “1732” (Octal) 1234 xxx xxx0 xxx3 xxx4 xxx5 xxx6 xxx7 xx xx22 xx32 xx42 xx52 xx62 xx72 x032 x132 x232 x332 x432 x532 x Object location Pointers Hotspot monitor Object store

48 Fault-tolerant routing: detect, operate, and recover  Expected faults  Server outages (high load, hw/sw faults)  Link failures (router hw/sw faults)  Neighbor table corruption at the server  Detect: TCP timeout, heartbeats to nodes on backpointer list  Operate under faults: backup neighbors  Second chance for failed server: probing msgs

49 Fault-tolerant location: avoid single point of failure  Multiple roots for each object  rootId = f(objectId + salt)  Redundant, but reliable  Storage servers periodically republish location info  Cached location info on routers times out  New and recovered objects periodically advertise their location info

50 Dynamic node insertion  Populate new node’s neighbor maps  Routing messages to its own nodeId  Copy and optimize neighbor maps  Inform relevant nodes of its entries to update neighbor maps

51 Dynamic deletion  Inform relevant nodes using backptrs  Or rely on soft-state (stop heartbeats)  In general, Tapestry expects small number of dynamic insertions/deletions

52 Fault handling outline  Design choice  Soft state for graceful fault recovery  Soft-state  Caches: updated by periodic refreshment msgs, or purged if receiving no such msgs  Faults are expected in Tapestry  Fault-tolerant routing  Fault-tolerant location  Surrogate routing

53 Tapestry Conclusions  Decentralized location and routing  Distributed algorithms for object-root mapping, node insertion/deletion  Fault-handling with redundancy  Per node routing table size: bLog b (N) N = size of namespace  Find object in Log b (n) overlay hops n = # of physical nodes