Getting elected Running a great election campaign NORTHUMBRIA STUDENTS’ UNION
Getting elected Why are you here? Students’ Union officers are leaders of change for the good of all students.
Getting elected Elected Officers Change Things You can change things... – In the Union – In the Institution – In the Community/Country HOW will these changes make students’ lives better? You will need to ask this to make yourself relevant to voters.
Getting elected Manifesto Writing Layout: People don't want to read reams of text Content: WHAT YOU'VE DONE: Content: WHAT YOU PLAN TO DO: Link the manifesto to any other publicity you plan to produce Remind people how/when to vote
Getting elected The election process
Getting elected The Returning Officer Ensures Election is run fairly and smoothly Can appoint deputies and officials Rules on complaints and disputes Interprets election rules and regulations and may make rulings along the way Works with ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Your returning officer is Kat Docherty Their deputy is Richard Buckley
Getting elected Election Rules and Regs Rules there to create a “level playing field” Attempt to control behaviour and use of resources without stifling creativity The Law, Institution and Union rules all count and become election rules A sense of fair play and friendly competition reflects best on you as individuals and the election process as a whole – and gets more voters!
Getting elected The Rules (in general…) If in doubt, ask Only do what others have had the opportunity to do Must not use Union resources to promote own campaign Do not break any general Union/Institution rules Check first (don’t just do it and apologise later!)
Getting elected Transferable vote systems
Getting elected Transferable votes The union uses voting by preference Elects the “least unpopular” candidate Voters rank their candidates If I can’t have Jane (#1), I’ll have Tom (#2), if neither then Alan (#3) A first preference is #1, a second is #2 and so on Sometimes called Single Transferable Vote (STV) or Alternative Transferable Vote (ATV)
Getting elected Explaining STV/ATV You are successful when you meet “quota” “Quota” is valid votes / positions to be elected (so in a one position race it’s half of all votes) First preferences (#1) counted If no-one reaches quota, then lowest excluded and their #2’s counted… …and so on! Tip for campaigning is to explain the system and get #2’s if they gave a first preference to someone else
Getting elected ATV: First Round exclude ron
Getting elected ATV: Round Two exclude alice
Getting elected ATV: Round Three ben wins!
Getting elected Your Campaign Team You are responsible for their actions Gather a wide range/strong personalities Make sure they are “On message” Do you allocate responsibilities or tasks? Make sure they aren’t just leaflet shovers Have meetings with them Support them, encourage them and thank them! Make sure they don’t try any “Dirty Tricks!”
Getting elected Top (Campaigning) Tips Talk to Students – be friendly and positive Get a responsible campaigns team around you Target Halls and clubs and societies Visit student venues Get invited to parties Target main entrances and buildings car parks and bus stops
Getting elected Top (Publicity) Tips Have a clear identity Highlight your main points Don’t use jargon or in jokes Tell them to vote Get leaflets and posters where you can’t go Have a clear message Don’t be negative about the opposition or previous officers
Getting elected Top (personal) Tips Have fun and be proud of the Union Don’t fail your course over it! Prepare for life after election Expect to win and be ready to lose Don’t be negative about others – it will get you, your team and voters down
Getting elected After the campaigning
Getting elected Complaints Questions? Request for Rulings? Formal Complaints – Must be in before the count commences – Written or ed, which rule broken? – Evidence/Witnesses – Pro forma available
Getting elected Any Questions? Remember play fair Ask before you act If there are any questions remember to contact Richard Buckley NO OTHER PERSON IN THE UNION IS ABLE TO GIVE RULINGS ON THE REGULATIONS
Getting elected Good luck!