Researcher Finds Google Android Data Stealing Vulnerability 報告者:劉旭哲.


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Presentation transcript:

Researcher Finds Google Android Data Stealing Vulnerability 報告者:劉旭哲

A researcher revealed a way to exploit a vulnerability affecting Google Android users that can be used to steal data The flaw impacts Android 2.3 The same nature as a vulnerability uncovered last year on Android 2.2. 目前已在 Nexus S 證實可以竊取資訊

Requires some knowledge of JavaScript and Android. Mainly in the Android browser – there is a nonbrowser component in Android The attack works by requiring the user to visit a malicious link.

STEPs 1.The Android browser doesn’t prompt the user when downloading a file – for example "payload.html“ – It automatically downloads to /sdcard/download/payload.html 2.Using JavaScript get this payload to automatically open – causing the browser to render the local file. 3.When opening an HTML file within this local context, – Browser will run JavaScript without prompting the user. – JavaScript is able to read the contents of files.

惡意網站惡意網站 惡意網站惡意網站 1. User 點擊惡意連結 2. 下載 payload.html 3. 瀏覽器執行 JS ,打開 payload.html 4. Payload.html 抓取特定文件

One limiting factor : – Know the name and path of the file. – However, data with consistent names on the SD card, and pictures stored with a consistent naming convention – An attacker could also read and upload any file "stored on the phone's /sdcard" The attack is not a root exploit and still runs in the Android sandbox. – Attackers cannot grab all the files on the system.

However, there are other ways to exploit the same flaw. The ultimate fix will require changing some essential components in the Android framework itself.

Other interesting news: – FBI issues warrants over pro-WikiLeaks attacks – Facebook blames bug for Zuckerberg page hack – Facebook Puts HTTPS Security Guard on Full-Time Duty.

Reference Finds-Google-Android-Data-Stealing-Vulnerability / Finds-Google-Android-Data-Stealing-Vulnerability / stealing-vulnerability/ stealing-vulnerability/ html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Security html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Security 83.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Security 83.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Security