1 Network Management Abstract Information Model An abstract model contains all the pieces of information that are essential towards the software abstraction of the resources and traffic load conditions of a multiplexing unit; It remains independent of vendor-specific characteristics and capabilities, thus enabling integrated traffic control over a heterogeneous networking environment; It allows for transparent upgrades and for customisation to the individual needs of Network Operators or Service Providers; It provides generic interfaces to TCAs;
2 Network Management An ATM Switch-Independent MIB The proposed Switch-Independent MIB defines an abstract information layer for portable deployment of TCAs. Although, the emphasis is mainly placed on CAC, the SI- MIB offers generic interfaces for routing and resource allocation/configuration functions. The SI-MIB enhances the information fields of existing ATM related MIBs with appropriate generic constructs for TCAs.
3 Network Management Design of the SI-MIB
4 Network Management Review of ATM MIBs In addition, there are proprietary MIBs (primarily SNMP-based) developed by vendors. The proposed SI-MIB has the ability of semantically representing information elements in various major standards-based and proprietary MIBs. ATM Forum (SNMP and CMIP); IETF (SNMP); NM Forum (CMIP); ITU-T (CMIP); ETSI (CMIP); ANSI (SNMP); Bellcore (CMIP); Existing ATM MIBs have been defined by the following standards bodies:
5 Network Management Skeleton of the Switch-Independent MIB Switch SwitchID, Name, Vendor, Model, Address, numPorts port QoSLeve l QoSValue, allocBuffer, allocBw, background_traffic, TrCACparams, numclasses, acceptedCalls, rejectedCalls class Type, Traffic_Descriptor, numCalls VPI, VCI, RefNum portID, linkBw, BufferSize, numQoSLevels call
6 Network Management The Proposed Software Infrastructure
7 Network Management The P1520 Reference Model
8 Network Management Open platform architecture for embedding traffic control functionality in ATM networks SI-MIB: Switch-Independent MIB TC: Traffic Control functionality (CAC, routing, etc.)
9 Network Management Virtual Signaling Protocol Current signaling standards do not support externally defined traffic control functionality. Thus An open signaling protocol, which ensures that the enhanced control functionality supported by the presented software architecture can be communicated between different switches, is necessary. The examination of VSP messages that run through the L interface (of the P1520 model) constitutes one of the main objective of the paper.
10 Network Management Interactions in case of an Accepted Call Request
11 Network Management Call Rejection by the Network
12 Network Management Call Rejection by the Destination
13 Network Management Call Release
14 Network Management A Prototype Implementation A prototype system that follows the proposed architectural framework and makes use of intelligent software agents was implemented. Although not mandated by the design, and for facilitating the implementation process: The software enttities of the prototype infrastructure have been built on top of an agent platform that supports communication primitives according to the ontology specified by the FIPA organization, The underlying agent platform used in the implementation was based on background work, conducted in the scope of the IMPACT research project.
15 Network Management Structure of the Implemented Software Infrastructure Two different types of agents may be identified: The Switch Wrapper Agent that furnishes an abstract software environment for performing management and control operations on an ATM switch. The CAC & Routing Agent, which is the software entity expressing in abstract and portable terms the actual traffic control algorithms.
16 Network Management An Intelligent Agents-based Prototype Implementation SI-MIB: Switch-Independent MIB RT: Routing Table
17 Network Management CAC & Routing Agent
18 Network Management PortInfo Class
19 Network Management The Proposed Software Multi-Agent System
20 Network Management CMA Subagents Connection Admission Control Agent (CACA) decides to either accept or reject a connection request following the rules of a CAC scheme. Routing Agent (RA) accomplishes for each connection request a routing algorithm in order to compute a path that connects the connection’s source and destination. Connection Agent (CA) is responsible for establishing, maintaining and releasing the ATM switches’ VCCs, which are involved in the requested connection.
21 Network Management Second Intermediate Report HP OPENVIEW NETWORK NODE MANAGER I. Stergiou A. Sgora Deadline: 27/05/03
22 Network Management End of Fourth Lecture