Which Nobel laureate survived both world wars and all his four children? Tandem What‘s this? Question AnsweringPhoto AnnotationTimeline Analysis Johnny Five is Alive I need input ! Wikipedia > 2 Mio. articles G Scholar > 500 Mio. Researchers > 10 Mio. Text & Speech Photos & Videos Flickr > 2 Bio. photos 2010: > 500 Bio. Internet Archive > 100 Bio. pages Web History Potala (Lhasa) 400 m long 999 rooms Intelligent Behavior Information Abundance
1: QA & Knowledge Gathering Which Nobel laureate survived both world wars and all his four children? YAGO knowledge base: 1.7 Mio. entities, 15 Mio. facts 40 Mio. RDF triples > 95% accuracy Max_Planck Apr 23, 1858 Person City subclass Location instanceOf subclass bornOn Oct 4, 1947 diedOn Kiel bornIn Nobel Prize Erwin_Planck Father Of hasWon Scientist Physicist instanceOf subclass Which enzymes inhibit proteases? Killer App: Healthcare !
2: Photos, Scan City, Interesting Facts 3D-laser-scan entire cities and reconstruct super-detailed models combine photos from different angles to build 3D models automatically annotate with interesting facts BuildingName: Potala, City: Lhasa Length: 400 m, Height: 117 m NumberRooms: 999, BuiltInYear: 1645 Constructor: Lozang Gyatso (5th Dalai Lama)
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Conclusion Questions: DB or AI or SciFi ? Any Business Value ?$? Solved by G, Y, M anyway ? Too easy for 5-year look-ahead ? Too hard for 50-year program ? Intelligent Behavior Information Abundance Text & SpeechPhotos & VideosWeb History Question Answering Photo Annotation Timeline Analysis