Office of Statistics and Analysis1 Risk Management of municipal fire and rescue services - background, process and expectations from central point of view Risk Management of municipal fire and rescue services - background, process and expectations from central point of view Martin Reland, Danish Emergency Management Agency SETRIC Workshop 26 May 2005
Office of Statistics and Analysis2 The Danish Preparedness Act The task of the rescue preparedness shall be to prevent, reduce and remedy any damage inflicted on people, property and environment by accidents and disasters including war actions or imminent danger of war. The rescue preparedness shall comprise the national rescue preparedness including the national regional rescue preparedness and the municipal rescue preparedness.
Office of Statistics and Analysis3 DEMA Authority (regulation, supervision, advice, education) Preparedness (3 levels, nuclear, chemical) Operations (nationally and internationally)
Office of Statistics and Analysis4 Levels of rescue preparedness 1: Municipalities (271) 2: 5 national regional preparedness centres + 9 municipal support centres 3: national regional preparedness centres
Office of Statistics and Analysis5 Background and objective Political decision: ”Local authorities should to a larger extent have possibility to organise/dimensioning local preparedness on basis of local risk assessment rather than centrally and detailed regulation” Preparedness Central regulation Local RisksService Level DEMA and municipalities must co-operate in the development process DEMA must offer advice and education
Office of Statistics and Analysis6 Risk and preparedness Using risk assessment is not something completely newBUT Dimensioning of municipal fire and rescue services has been on the basis of national averages, which have resulted in the current minimum requirements regulation Local risk assessment has been ‘extra’ or on top of minimum requirements Local risk assessment has been based on past experience Terminology and tools has been different Prevention has not been given sufficient thoughtSO In the future local risk assessment will bee a systematic bottom-up process using common terminologies and tools and the management of risks will include prevention and operational measures
Office of Statistics and Analysis7 The development process Guiding/ Handbook Education/Courses Legislation/Order Models and Tools Pathfinders project Reference group Special projects Pilotes projects Activities: Professionals/ Experts The four corner stones Unions
Office of Statistics and Analysis8 Development process – pathfinders and pilots PathfindersPilots Objectives Develop useable models and tools for local risk assessments Test usability of models and tools Participants 14 municipalities directly (+ many others indirectly) Three projects in four municipalities Activities Seminars, workshops, workgroups, consultation Project planning, advice, sparring Results Overall process model and tools for each phase in the model Practical experience and cases used for handbook and education and course design
Office of Statistics and Analysis9 Development process - results A)Handbook –Has been commented by co-operational municipalities, e.g. pathfinders and pilot. Will be send to all municipal fire and rescue services. Used in education/course B)Models and tools –In handbook and at C)Education/course –Course at DEMA Staff College, 5+3 days D)Order –Consultation draft – in political process
Office of Statistics and Analysis10 Future Regulation of risk based municipality fire and rescue servicesRegulation of risk based municipality fire and rescue services Effect for municipality and preparedness serviceEffect for municipality and preparedness service The role of DEMAThe role of DEMA
Office of Statistics and Analysis11 Municipal preparedness must: perform a secure effort according to local risks in preventing, reducing and remedying any damage inflicted on people, property and environment. organise and undertake the dimensioning process –identify and analyse local risks. –Prepare risk profile as basis for dimensioning the local fire and rescue service. Risk based municipal preparedness – Draft Ministry Order
Office of Statistics and Analysis12 Local authority must: –determine the service level of the municipal fire and rescue service on basis of the local risk profile –determine the organisation, activity, dimensioning and equipment of the municipal fire and rescue service on the basis of the local risk profile and the determined service level –provide for handling of the technical management of efforts on the damage area –Provide for sufficient water supply for fire-extinguishing Risk based municipal preparedness – Draft Ministry Order
Office of Statistics and Analysis13 Risk based municipal preparedness – Draft Ministry Order Dimensioning plan – content and handling: Description of local risk profile, service level, organisation activity, dimensioning and equipment Process in the local preparedness commission Draft plan is submitted to DEMA DEMA prepares comments/statement The local authorities decides Plan is submitted to DEMA Continuous revisions, at least once in each election period
Office of Statistics and Analysis14 Current From 2005 Initial response time Vehicles and equipment Fire and rescue crew Legislation 10 and 15 minutes Depending of no. of inhabitants Focused on response times, crew and vehicles and equipment Each municipality decides on the basis of risk identification, risk analysis, and the Standard of Service Focused on the risk management process Risk based municipal preparedness
Office of Statistics and Analysis15 Meaning for municipal and preparedness Local authorities have overall responsibility securing and controlling that the municipality has secure rescue preparedness Overview of rescue preparedness forces and development potential Flexible dimensioning – crew and equipment Flexible use of rescue preparedness in other municipal tasks and activities Strengthened possibilities for development of municipal rescue preparedness as needs and technology changes
Office of Statistics and Analysis16 Strengthened dialog between rescue preparedness and business, living areas and municipal institutions Strengthened visibility of competences and activity for politicians, citizens and business Strengthened cross municipal co-operation and coordination of resources Strengthened co-operation and awareness of local risks among politicians, citizens, business and other local administrations Strengthened prioritising of prevention effort Strengthened co-thinking of prevention and operation Meaning for municipal and preparedness
Office of Statistics and Analysis17 Future role of DEMA Course in risk management of municipal fire and rescue servicesCourse in risk management of municipal fire and rescue services –11 courses in 2005 (132 ) + eventual additional courses –Necessary number of courses in 2006 (provisional 10) Experiences and knowledge gathering and communicationExperiences and knowledge gathering and communication –Revision and adjustment of handbook and guides –Cases –Registration of events in ODIN –Possibility to present data in GIS
Office of Statistics and Analysis18 Future role of DEMA Supervision and counsellingSupervision and counselling –Comments/Statements –§13 approvals –Inspectors –Consultants AndetAndet –Enhanced and more detailed alarms from alarm (112) centrals –Enhanced focus on competences at operators at alarm (112) centrals –Adjusted and new education for operational personnel –Etc.
Office of Statistics and Analysis19 Proces model Risk Identification Risk Analysis Proposal for Standard of Service Political decision of Standard of Service Implementation of Standard of Service Documentation Communication Management Evaluation
Office of Statistics and Analysis20 Risikoidentifikation - eksempler
Office of Statistics and Analysis21 Risikoanalyse, scenarieanalyse - eksempler
Office of Statistics and Analysis22 Oplæg til serviceniveau - eksempler
Office of Statistics and Analysis23 Oplæg til serviceniveau - eksempler Eksempel på proces for politisk fastlæggelse af serviceniveau