A Gerontological Coordination as a tool of Partnership
A definition of Partnership A definition of what we call « Old Persons » How does french society take care of its elder ? Example with a real situation SummarySummary
From The french dictionary, the signification of Partnership comes from the english word Partner : « the one a person dances with » by extension : Friend, friendship, associeted Definition of Partnership
2 Kinds of partnership :. Institutionnal partnership. Practical partnership
Who are the old persons ?. Physical appareance and mental difficulties. Retired. Life expectancy
Different kind of measures in France for old persons The family : less and less used The institutions like old people’s house : expensive and over crowed Associations (or new private group)
French gouvernment has created a new service : C. L. I. C. Local Center of Intervention and Coordination ) For whom ? Where ? What ?
Illustration :. Special case of Margaret, widowed, 86 years old, alone, heart attack. What kind of taking care ?. Which solutions ?
Conclusion. The notion of partnership and its limits. Otherwise, the well founded of such a service