TP Calorimetry Jaewon Park. 2 Full Minerva Detector.


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Presentation transcript:

TP Calorimetry Jaewon Park

2 Full Minerva Detector



5 TP Detector





10 Ecal calibration constant Old study showed Ecal calibration constant 2.5 is better than 1.5 Mean of (recoE-trueE)/t rueE become constant for theta, Vz depedenc e Value 1.5 is from dE/dx weighting. K_ecal=1.5K_ecal=1.75 K_ecal=2.5

11 Ecal calibration constant K_ecal=1.5K_ecal=1.75 K_ecal=2.5

12 Nu_e electron energy (k_ecal=2.5)

13 Nu_e electron energy (k_ecal=2.5) When electro n track is rec onstructed.

14 Nu_e electron energy (k_ecal=1.5)

15 Fake ADC -- Scan Time adc hit for 120 sec (rate=~83 adc/s)  This is the rate in manual taken data. Nominal pedestal position=371 Nominal pedestal sigma=10 nADC = rate*scanTime Fill Gaus(371+Shift,sigma) nADC times. Two pedestal histogram (PedA, PedB) are made with Ga us(371,sigma) No photoelectron ADC, just pedestal No systematic error No strip-to-strip variation No electronics channel-to-channel variation

16 120s 12s 0.6s

sec pedApedB

sec pedApedB