WISER: Newspapers online : an introduction to the scope and range of recent and current newspapers available on Oxlip, including hints on effective search techniques. Ruth Bird Bodleian Law Librarian
Databases to be covered today: Westlaw Global News Service (formerly Dialog) Lexis Nexis News Service not covered today – Factiva, a service based at Said Business School Library, and available from the Sainsbury Library
Aim of this session Demonstrate features of Westlaw and Lexis News services Explain structure and searching on each database Identify similar and varying features in each service
Westlaw requires Athens login Lexis News uses IP recognition – no login required on campus, VPN off campus
WESTLAW : - Initial Westlaw screen
1. Choose Add/Remove tabs 2. Tick topics to select tabs To change these tabs: 3. Click next
Click Save and new tab will appear along top bar.
Enter name or company, restrict dates & click GO.
Results display most recent first, with search term highlighted. Search can be narrowed to locate items within the result
By selecting Edit text on previous screen, you can add narrower terms to the existing query. Natural Language option is available.
Options to print, save or articles Mark selected articles
Select this option for general searches
Enter search terms and select where to search Find out which papers are included
Select Research Trail option to track search process and obtain citations. This can be downloaded or ed.
FAVOURITE databases can be selected and added to this list
Select Add to favourites from drop list on previous screen, then enter the name you wish to give the database, and the database identifier. Click Add Favourite. When you next look at your favourites list, the new database is listed.
From the information button, Scope of databases is shown, with individual titles of papers & database name
Able to select single/several titles for a search
If a database name is selected, the search box is displayed, and search narrowed to one source
To search by resource, select General News tab. Search can be limited, and duplicates eliminated. Term frequency can be specified, as well as case sensitivity
Lexis Nexis news service Select the News Service from Oxlip
Enter search term, select section; add further refinement using dialogue boxes Date restriction option
Lexis has a results limit which will stop you if you are not specific enough in your search terms. If this screen appears, narrow your search term(s)
This list allows narrowing of search; multiple sources cannot be selected Search can be limited by these options
Source type can be listed; this pane can also be closed Sort by date or relevance; marked items are highlighted
Various options for display; also ability to mark records for printing, ing, saving.
Narrowed search leads to smaller result set
Move from keyword hit to hit
By limiting same basic name search to ‘Headline’, only 5 articles are retrieved
At the end of each article there is a box with relevant subjects that can be checked for related articles Search can be modified or narrowed
New results include the new terms History of search is listed here
Select search option to create your own search query Select Sources tab to add or identify content of sources
Select a Source option – here, individual publications has been selected, and it brings a screen broken down alphabetically
Information about a source – click the
Select a country or region
A whole group can be added to My Sources Remember to click Done to add item to My Sources
Personal Source List Each time ‘Add’ is selected, the title appears in this listing. Individual titles can be added/removed at any time. The selected list needs to be given a name, and the
Drop down list of your selected Sources
Explanation of Connectors List of connectors by selecting View
A sample search The following search was conducted on June 11 – locate the words academic, pay and increase within proximity to each other, to find articles dealing with the recent industrial dispute. In each database, the search used template, boolean and natural language search methods. The results varied, not only between the two databases, but within the one database, depending on the search method. The point of this is to alert users to the need to be exhaustive in their use of these resources to ensure they have exhausted all possibilities.
1. Lexis using General Search & Boolean search terms
Search results – 23 articles
2. Natural language search
Results – 250 articles
3. Using structured search template on News Select/exclude indexed items from these options
Search results – 28 items
Westlaw – restricted to UK Newspapers
1. Using the structured search template option
A broad result set – over 800 documents
2. Using the natural language option
Result set - 20 documents
3a. Using terms and connectors – terms within 3 words of each other
From terms search – 5 results
3b. Broaden terms to be in same paragraph
Result set – 12 documents
Some comparisons LexisWestlaw Results limited to 3000No limit to results No full record of researchResearch trail provided Able to refine search by resource Also available but not as seamless Returned over 3000 docs on name search Returned 884 docs on name search 2150 resources listed in English language file Resources are listed by region – at least 1800 Result sets vary depending on query, and sources, and between the two providers
Conclusion Although there is duplication of resources, a search cannot be exhaustive in one database only. Many unique titles appear in one or the other collection Multiple formats are indexed in both Searching structure may be more user friendly in Lexis Westlaw offers research tracking Good features in both resources, but neither can be seen as the exhaustive resource
…..and now we hope you are more prepared for your newspaper research quest.. Are there any questions?