MICE AFC Group phone conference on 27 January 2005 AFC module progress By Wing Lau, Oxford.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE AFC Group phone conference on 27 January 2005 AFC module progress By Wing Lau, Oxford

Outline of this talk: To examine the module (now re-named “the Super Module) movement (sway) and reaction loads due to unbalanced magnet forces- Passing the magnet forces through own support legs (modules not connected to the tracker solenoid modules) Loadings apply to Stage VI arrangement where all 5 modules can be connected together 5 Load cases were examined and results are summarised as follow:

c.f mm without the access hole, the increase in displacement is minimal Increase in stress is also moderate (45MPa c.f. 37MPa)

Our observations: We believe there is no need to transmit the magnet forces from the Cooling Channel directly to the tracker solenoid as the channel (3 AFC modules & 2 Coupling Coil modules) are more than capable of sustaining the forces without any excessive sway. Elwyn is currently reviewing the FEA results and the implications and he will report back to the Work Group if he is happy with our recommendation not to connect the Cooling Channel to the Tracker Solenoid via the radiation shield.

Our observations: We will discuss the implications of this result with Steve to make sure that the connecting bolts and the flanges have sufficient margins of safety to sustain these loads; We have not examined the case where only a single AFC module is required (Stage IV). We still need to do that to complete our conclusion in this investigation