Economic Growth and the Building of Sustainable Urban Growth Management Model -The Case of Korean Experiences (Cities of Ulsan and Inchon)- The Plan of Project ( Prepared by Changsuk Kim(Seoul City Univ. Ph.D), Hoiseung Jung(Korea Environment Institute, Ph.D), Deokho Cho(Univ. of Kyongju, Ph.D: Donggeun Lee(Sangmyung Univ. Ph.D) in Korea For the Kita-Kyushu Regional Workshop June 23, 1998
I. The Goals of This Research 1.Background of This Research East-Asian Countries have experienced rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization. They also created several environmental problems in local, national, and even global level. And then, the current economic growth policy reaches some limitations environmentally in sustaining an economic growth. Therefore, the goals of this research find a new paradigm for the sustainable development economically, socially, and environmentally in this area and suggests a new direction of economic development for the developing countries. Korea has influenced the economic growth of East Asia countries because she is one of the most successful countries in terms of the economic development. In another way she has been experiencing very serious environmental problems due to negative impacts of a rapid economic growth. She changed recently a growth strategy from an economic growth to a sustainable development in order to solve environmental problems. Therefore, Korean experiences will be helpful to solve environmental problems of other Asian countries.
2. Scope of This Research 1). This research covers the Korean economic growth policy in macro system and incentive structure. Based upon this policy, it notes Ulsan and Inchon's industrialization process, more specifically, the building of industrial complexes for the economic growth. 2). It examines the urbanization process in national and local levels, it identifies a relationship between the economic growth and environmental pollution. It also contains the urban environmental problems in Ulsan and Inchon 3). It indicates the national environmental policies and those of specific cities. It also reviews a turning point from the economic growth policy to the environmental protection one. 4). It finally will build a new model on the sustainable urban growth management for solving the environmental problems in East-Asian Cities.
3. The Goal of This Research Based upon the above researches, it will develop a model of sustainable urban growth management policy for the East-Asian sustainable urban development policy. The Flow Chart of This Research The Korean Experiences on the Industrialization, Urbanization, and Environmental Policy -Nation Level -Local Level (Ulsan, Inchon ) -Environmental Problems The Case Study for the Building of A Sustainable Urban Growth Management Policy in Korea -Economic Development (Ulsan and Inchon) -Industrial Policy -Environmental Assessment Model A Building of A New Sustainable Development Model in East-Asian Cities - Economic Growth - Industrial Policy -Governmental Policy -Citizen Participation -Environmental Management
III. The Contents and Methods of Research 1.Contents of Research 1). Transformation of industrial structure in Korea (1) Central government level (2) Local government level (case study: Ulsan and Inchon) (3) Industry level (case study on particular manufacturing plants in Ulsan and Inchon) 2). Reviews of Urban Environmental Policy. (1). Urban environment: air quality, solid waste, management of water quality, and so on. (2). Urban infrastructure: energy, road, and other environment related social overhead capital. (3). Urban environmental policy: reviews of environment related law, plan, ordinance, and fund.
3). Field Survey (1). Review of environmental policy of specific cities (Ulsan and Inchon): (2). Survey on environmental problems of specific cities: air quality, solid waste, management of water quality, and so on. (3). Study on the role of government, social organizations, and citizens 4). A building of sustainable urban growth management model (1). Economic growth policy (2). Urban amenity (3). Industry ecology and sustainable consumption (4). Role of organizations (government, social organizations, and citizens) (5). International comparisons of the environmental and economic growth policy
2. Research Methods 1). Field survey on urban environmental problems, industrial complexes, and environmental facilities. 2). Statistical analysis on Questionnaire (government officers or experts) 3). GIS mappping on the environmental problems and monitoring systems (optional)
IV. Research Members Changsuk Kim (Seoul City Univ. Ph.D: Projector Leader: Hoiseung Jeong (Korea Environment Institute, Deokho Cho (Univ. of Kyongju, Ph.D: Dongkeun Lee (Sangmyung Univ. Ph.D: Project Manager) 8 Research assistants(2 assistants per professor)
V. Time Schedule of Study and Members' Roles