Prepared by: Harvard University, Office of the UCIO Harvard University IT Services Integration Initiative Program Management Planning Meeting January 10, 2011
- 1 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Agenda 1 Key feedback from Workgroup Kickoff and Brainstorming Sessions Feedback Concerns / Issues Next Steps Membership status 2 Standardizing Our Program iSite Information Architecture Common information needs Next steps and anticipated timeframe Owner(s) 3 PM Workplan Review and confirm key dates Identify and agree on key activities
- 2 - DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 3. Discussion Item > PM Workplan (Phase 1 only) Identify and Prioritize Services Conduct Detailed Design Conduct Key Reviews Refine and Plan Implementation 2 wks4 wks2 wks3 wks Today March 15 Key Activities Corresponding Outputs