FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING An Introductory Online Course # Financial Accounting: An Introductory Online Course provides a comprehensive introduction to financial accounting in a management context. Numerous exercises test student comprehension. Faculty and administrators can track student progress through the course and review their performance on the three assessments. Terms and Concepts Financial Statements Balance sheet Income statement Statement of cash flows Constructing the Statements Recording Transactions Financial Ratios The course teaches an understanding of: 1
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING An Introductory Online Course # The Student Experience Financial Accounting requires approximately hours to complete for students with limited accounting experience and is designed for use by individuals rather than teams. The Table of Contents to the left of the screen allows students to easily navigate the course. Novices can work through the course on a linear path building on previous learning as they progress Students with previous knowledge in the topic can jump back and forth as necessary as they review areas of weakness Students can follow multiple learning paths : 2
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING An Introductory Online Course # Narrated Animations Much of the content in the course is presented through short animated clips with narration. This graphic illustration of the material helps students grasp concepts quickly and move through the course without losing momentum. Full text of all narrated segments is provided. 3
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING An Introductory Online Course # Exercises Included exercises are short and in multiple formats. Some are quick multiple-choice questions; others ask students to interpret statement details or record transactions. Students are given immediate feedback, with explanations for correct or incorrect answers. Exercise results are not recorded and students can re-take an exercise an unlimited number of times. 4
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING An Introductory Online Course # Assessments and Tracking The course includes three assessments: A pre-test helps the student identify areas of weakness and lets faculty and administrators gauge a class’s initial level of proficiency. Two post-tests determine the amount of learning that has occurred and help faculty and administrators ensure that students have reached a certain level. 5 Faculty and administrators can also track and measure student performance, including a list of students and their overall status in the course. Detailed information about each student is also available, showing each page visited and exam results.
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING An Introductory Online Course # To preview (Authorized Faculty) or purchase this online course, call (800) (outside the U.S. and Canada, ). A Teaching Note is available for Authorized Faculty. Online course product # Sampling, Adoption, and Delivery The process of sampling, adoption, and delivery is simple. Students can access any of our online courses on our web site.