Amoeba Distributed Operating System Ken Baggett CPSC 550 Spring 2006
History The history of modern computing can be divided into the following eras: 1970s: Timesharing (1 computer with many users) 1980s: Personal computing (1 computer per user) 1990s: Parallel computing (many computers per user)
History 80’s computers could be networked together and files could be shared between users RPCs. Parallel computing in the 90’s and today are used to share CPU resources among a network of computer systems. This concept is referred to as distributed computer systems or parallel computing How can we exploit with the one-to-many computer system configuration? Ameoba
What is Amoeba Amoeba is a distributed operating system Developed by Andrew Tannenbaum Uses timesharing User logs into the system as a whole, not just his local machine. When the user runs a program, the system decides which machine (or machines) in the system should execute it. This decision is invisible to the user.
Design Goals The basic design goals of Amoeba are: Distribution—Connecting together many machines Parallelism—Allowing individual jobs to use multiple CPUs easily Transparency—Having the collection of computers act like a single system Performance—Achieving all of the above in an efficient manner
Definitions of Amoeba Communications The definitions of the Amoeba communication calls are given in the ANSI C language. All three calls use a Msg data structure, which is a 32-byte header with several fields to hold capabilities and other items. Note that each request or reply message can consist of just a header or a header and an additional component. trans (Msg *requestHeader, char *requestBuffer, int requestSize, Msg *replyHeader, char*replyBuffer, int replySize) Client sends a request message and receives a reply; the header contains a capability for the object upon which an operation is being requested. get_request (Msg *requestHeader, char *requestBuffer, int requestSize)Server gets a request from the port specified in the message header. put_reply (Msg *replyHeader, char *replyBuffer, int replySize) Server replies.
Features in Amoeba Microkernel and Server Architecture Amoeba is built upon a microkernel architecture. Amoeba is built upon a microkernel architecture. The microkernel supports the basic process, communications, and object primitives. It also handles device I/O and memory management. The microkernel supports the basic process, communications, and object primitives. It also handles device I/O and memory management. Each machine in the Amoeba system runs a small identical software program - called the microkernel. Each machine in the Amoeba system runs a small identical software program - called the microkernel. The function of the kernel is to allow efficient communication between client processes, which run application programs, and server processes, such as the Bullet File server or the directory server. The function of the kernel is to allow efficient communication between client processes, which run application programs, and server processes, such as the Bullet File server or the directory server.
Features Threads Each process has its own address space and contains multiple threads. These threads have their own stack and program counter, but share the global data and code of the process. Remote Procedure Calls RPC is the basic communication mechanism in Amoeba. Communication consists of a client thread sending a message to a server thread, then blocking until the server thread sends back a return message, at which time the client is unblocked. Amoeba uses stubs to access remote services which hide the details of the remote services from the user. A special language in Amoeba called the Amoeba Interface Language (AIL) generates these stubs automatically. The stubs will then marshal parameters and hide the communication details from the user.
Features Group Communication Amoeba provides a mechanism that allows all receivers in a one-to-many configuration to receive a transmitted message in the same order. This simplifies parallel processing and distributed programming problems. Amoeba provides a mechanism that allows all receivers in a one-to-many configuration to receive a transmitted message in the same order. This simplifies parallel processing and distributed programming problems.
Differences from Network OS Amoeba Programs can execute wherever OS decides. Programs can execute wherever OS decides. No concept of host machine. No concept of host machine. Objects and Capabilities are used to manage file systems. Objects and Capabilities are used to manage file systems. Network OS Programs run locally unless specified. Programs run locally unless specified. User aware he is using a local host machine. User aware he is using a local host machine. Files are maintained and accessed from local machine unless using a remote file system. Files are maintained and accessed from local machine unless using a remote file system.
Architecture Four principle components Workstations Workstations Processor Pool Processor Pool Specialized Servers (directory, file, block...) Specialized Servers (directory, file, block...) WAN Gateways WAN Gateways
Architecture Objects Abstract data types with data and behaviors. Abstract data types with data and behaviors. Amoeba primarily supports software objects, but hardware objects also exist. Amoeba primarily supports software objects, but hardware objects also exist. Each object is managed by a server process to which RPCs can be sent. Each RPC specifies the object to be used, the operation to be performed, and any parameters to be passed Each object is managed by a server process to which RPCs can be sent. Each RPC specifies the object to be used, the operation to be performed, and any parameters to be passedCapabilities 128-bit value object description created and returned to the caller when the object is created. 128-bit value object description created and returned to the caller when the object is created. Subsequent operations on the object require the user to send its capability to the server to both specify the object and prove the user has permission to manipulate the object. Subsequent operations on the object require the user to send its capability to the server to both specify the object and prove the user has permission to manipulate the object. Capabilities are encrypted to prevent tampering. Capabilities are encrypted to prevent tampering.
How to use Amoeba Amoeba is freeware It can be loaded on a LAN or University computer system Editors such as elvis, jove, ed come with the installation package Compilers such as C, Pascal, Fortran 77, Basic, and Modula 2 Orca - used for Parallel Programming
Applications UNIX emulation Parallel make Traveling salesman Alpha-beta search
Applications Parallel make Amoeba runs contains a processor pool with several processors. Amoeba runs contains a processor pool with several processors. One application for these processors in a UNIX environment is a parallel version of make. One application for these processors in a UNIX environment is a parallel version of make. When make discovers that multiple compilations are needed, they are run in parallel on different processors. When make discovers that multiple compilations are needed, they are run in parallel on different processors. pmake was developed based on the UNIX make but with additional code to handle parallelism. pmake was developed based on the UNIX make but with additional code to handle parallelism. many medium-sized files = considerable speedup many medium-sized files = considerable speedup one large source file and many small ones = total time can never be smaller than the compilation time of the large one. one large source file and many small ones = total time can never be smaller than the compilation time of the large one. A speedup of about a factor of 4 over sequential make has been observed in practice on typical makefiles. A speedup of about a factor of 4 over sequential make has been observed in practice on typical makefiles.
Applications The Traveling Salesman The computer is given a starting location and a list of cities to be visited. The idea is to find the shortest path that visits each city exactly once, and then returns to the starting place. The computer is given a starting location and a list of cities to be visited. The idea is to find the shortest path that visits each city exactly once, and then returns to the starting place. Amoeba was programmed to run this application in parallel by having one pool processor act as coordinator, and the rest as slaves. Amoeba was programmed to run this application in parallel by having one pool processor act as coordinator, and the rest as slaves.
The Traveling Salesman Example: the starting place is London, and the cities to be visited include New York, Sydney, Nairobi, and Tokyo The coordinator might tell the first slave to investigate all paths starting with London-New York, the second slave to investigate all paths starting with London-Sydney, the third slave to investigate all paths starting with London- Nairobi... All searches go on in parallel. When a slave is finished, it reports back to the coordinator and gets a new assignment. Also, the algorithm can be applied recursively. The first slave could allocate a processor to investigate paths starting with London-New York-Sydney, another processor to investigate London-New York- Nairobi, and so forth. The first slave could allocate a processor to investigate paths starting with London-New York-Sydney, another processor to investigate London-New York- Nairobi, and so forth. Results show that about 75 percent of the theoretical maximum speedup can be achieved using this algorithm, the remaining 1/4 being lost to communication and other overhead
Significance of points Amoeba is a distributed operating system which successfully allows users to execute jobs transparently over multiple CPUs. It was primarily developed by Andrew Tannenbaum and others at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherland. Its basic design goals are – Distribution—Connecting together many machines Distribution—Connecting together many machines Parallelism—Allowing individual jobs to use multiple CPUs easily Parallelism—Allowing individual jobs to use multiple CPUs easily Transparency—Having the collection of computers act like a single system Transparency—Having the collection of computers act like a single system Performance—Achieving all of the above in an efficient manner. Performance—Achieving all of the above in an efficient manner.
Significance of Points It is based on a microkernel architecture. It uses objects to encapsulate data and processes and capabilities to describe the objects. The kernel provides just three major system calls trans(Msg *requestHeader, char *requestBuffer, int requestSize, Msg *replyHeader, char*replyBuffer, int replySize) get_request(Msg *requestHeader, char *requestBuffer, int requestSize) put_reply(Msg *replyHeader, char *replyBuffer, int replySize) It has proven to be successful at implementing speedup on many common computer science algorithms including UNIX emulation, parallel make, traveling salesman, and alpha-beta search.
Summary The Amoeba distributed operating system succeeds in overcoming many of the hurdles faces in distributed computing. It abstracts away the use of RPCs using stubs and is scalable based on available CPUs. Although system updates seem to have stopped, the current version appears to have reached a stable point in its architectural development. The programming languages included with the distribution are common to most programmers and should make code creation easy for Amoeba applications. Results of application speedup and the fact that the system is freely available make it worth evaluating at the university level.
References [1] Tanenbaum, A.S, Sharp, G.J. “The Amoeba Distributed Operating System” Online: [2] Ramsay, M., Keigel, T., Memmer, H. “Ameoba Distributed Operating System” Online [3] Coulouris, G. Dollimore, J., Kindberg, T. Distributed Systems – Concepts and Design, 1994, Online: [4] Sharp, G.J.: ‘‘The Design of a Window System for Amoeba,’’ Report IR-142, Dept. of Math. & Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit, Dec [5] The Amoeba Reference Manual Users Guide Vrije University of Amsterdam, 1996 Online 2006: [6] Bal, H.E., Renesse R. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S.: ‘‘Implementing Distributed Algorithms Using Remote Procedure Calls,’’ Proc National Computer Conference, pp , June [7] Baalbergen, E.H.: ‘‘Parallel and Distributed Compilations in Loosely Coupled systems,’’ Proc. Workshop on Large Grain Parallelism, Providence, RI, Oct [8] Straven H. van, Renesse R. van, and Tanenbaum, A.S, “The Performance Of The Amoeba Distributed Operating System” Online: [9] Tanenbaum, A.S, et al, “Experiences with the Amoeba Distributed Operating System” Online 2006: zSz03.pdf/tanenbaum90experiences.pdf