The international conference "Preservation of the environment from industrial dusts“ Information Report Time constraints: on August, 28-29 th, 2008 Place.


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Presentation transcript:

The international conference "Preservation of the environment from industrial dusts“ Information Report Time constraints: on August, th, 2008 Place of carrying out: the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan The Ministry of Preservation of the Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan The Ministry of Preservation of the Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan The Kazakh National Technical University named The Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev The National Technical University of Athens The National Technical University of Athens

Condition of a question The metallurgical and power enterprises create and throw out a significant amount of a dust to atmosphere. The dusts contain essential quantity of metals in different forms. Frequently in dusts collect some metals that allows to consider a dusts the initial technogenic raw materials for extraction of metals. Various technological schemes were created for recycling of dusts, their secondary use, extraction of metals. Unfortunately, the some dusts are not using and storing, polluting an environment. The metallurgical and power enterprises create and throw out a significant amount of a dust to atmosphere. The dusts contain essential quantity of metals in different forms. Frequently in dusts collect some metals that allows to consider a dusts the initial technogenic raw materials for extraction of metals. Various technological schemes were created for recycling of dusts, their secondary use, extraction of metals. Unfortunately, the some dusts are not using and storing, polluting an environment. There are a number of technologies and the equipments for collecting of dusts. However to precipitate all firm particles completely is impossible. The most detrimental for health thin particles are collecting incompletely. According of the Project "Development of an Operational Plan for Environmental Protection from Industrial Dusts in Russia and other NIS" (ENPRODUS) carry out the analysis of a condition stressing dusts, dust collecting and recycling metallurgical dusts at 10 enterprises of the CIS including, at 4 Kazakhstan’s, were introduced the recommendations of perfection of the equipment and technologies of dust collecting and processing of dusts. There are a number of technologies and the equipments for collecting of dusts. However to precipitate all firm particles completely is impossible. The most detrimental for health thin particles are collecting incompletely. According of the Project "Development of an Operational Plan for Environmental Protection from Industrial Dusts in Russia and other NIS" (ENPRODUS) carry out the analysis of a condition stressing dusts, dust collecting and recycling metallurgical dusts at 10 enterprises of the CIS including, at 4 Kazakhstan’s, were introduced the recommendations of perfection of the equipment and technologies of dust collecting and processing of dusts. The aims of conference are discussing of the dust emissions condition at the metallurgical enterprises, development of technologies and the equipment for collecting of dusts, discussing of effective technologies of recycling and processing collecting dust. The aims of conference are discussing of the dust emissions condition at the metallurgical enterprises, development of technologies and the equipment for collecting of dusts, discussing of effective technologies of recycling and processing collecting dust.

Organizing committee Honorable chairman - Iskakov N.A., Doctor of Economical Sciences, professor, Minister of preservation of the environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Honorable chairman - Iskakov N.A., Doctor of Economical Sciences, professor, Minister of preservation of the environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Cochairman - Suleyev D.K. - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, rector of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev; Cochairman - Suleyev D.K. - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, rector of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev; Cochairman – Tultabaeyev M.Ch. – Doctor of Technical Science, chief of Department of Ministry of preservation of the environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Cochairman – Tultabaeyev M.Ch. – Doctor of Technical Science, chief of Department of Ministry of preservation of the environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan; The vice-chairman - Absametov M.K. – Doctor of Geologic- mineralogical Science, professor, pro-rector of KazNTU of scientific work and the international communications; The vice-chairman - Absametov M.K. – Doctor of Geologic- mineralogical Science, professor, pro-rector of KazNTU of scientific work and the international communications; The vice-chairman – Dimitros Paniac – Dr.-Ing., professor of National Technical University of Athens (Athens, Greece). The vice-chairman – Dimitros Paniac – Dr.-Ing., professor of National Technical University of Athens (Athens, Greece).

Members of organizing committee Ioanna Giannopoulou - the research assistant of National Technical University of Athens, the coordinator of the Project; Ioanna Giannopoulou - the research assistant of National Technical University of Athens, the coordinator of the Project; Kobzhasov A.K. - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, director of Institute of Metallurgy and Polygraphy of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev; Kobzhasov A.K. - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, director of Institute of Metallurgy and Polygraphy of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev; Baykonurova A.O. - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, head of chair «Metallurgical processes and technology of special materials»; Baykonurova A.O. - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, head of chair «Metallurgical processes and technology of special materials»; Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Utepov Erkasin Balapanovich - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, head of chair "Safety of work and ability to live "; Utepov Erkasin Balapanovich - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, head of chair "Safety of work and ability to live "; Chepushtanova Tatyana Aleksandrovna - engineer, the scientific secretary; Chepushtanova Tatyana Aleksandrovna - engineer, the scientific secretary; Kilibaev Erkebulan Umirlievich - engineer, the scientific secretary. Kilibaev Erkebulan Umirlievich - engineer, the scientific secretary. Zhumadilova Zhanar Orazbekovna - engineer, the scientific secretary. Zhumadilova Zhanar Orazbekovna - engineer, the scientific secretary.

The international technical advice Jusfin Julian Semenovich - Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moscow, Russia); Jusfin Julian Semenovich - Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moscow, Russia); Fridrih Berndt - Dr.-Ing., Professor of Technical University (Aachen, Germany); Fridrih Berndt - Dr.-Ing., Professor of Technical University (Aachen, Germany); Dimitros Panias - Dr.-Ing., Professor of National Technical University of Athens (Athens, Greece); Dimitros Panias - Dr.-Ing., Professor of National Technical University of Athens (Athens, Greece); Stopich Strechko - Dr.-Ing., the research assistant of the Technical University (Aachen, Germany); Stopich Strechko - Dr.-Ing., the research assistant of the Technical University (Aachen, Germany); Sokolov Vladislav Mihaylovich - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, (Kiev, Ukraine); Sokolov Vladislav Mihaylovich - Doctor of Technical Science, professor, (Kiev, Ukraine); Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich - Doctor of Technical Science, Professor (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich - Doctor of Technical Science, Professor (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Format of representation abstracts and reports The field covered by the text: on a leaf format A-4 to make spaces on 25 mm from different directions. The field covered by the text: on a leaf format A-4 to make spaces on 25 mm from different directions. A font: Times New Roman A font: Times New Roman The Size of a font of the name of reports - 14 The Size of a font of the name of reports - 14 Size of a font of the text reports - 12 Size of a font of the text reports - 12 To abstract should be enclosed: the Name of the report, a surname names and patronymics of authors, the place of work of authors, addresses, phone numbers and a fax, the electronic address. To abstract should be enclosed: the Name of the report, a surname names and patronymics of authors, the place of work of authors, addresses, phone numbers and a fax, the electronic address. Volume abstracts - no more than 150 words. Volume abstracts - no more than 150 words. Volume of the report - no more than 5 pages (for the inviting reports the volume up to 7 pages). Volume of the report - no more than 5 pages (for the inviting reports the volume up to 7 pages). The text of abstract and report should be presented by or on CD disk. The text of abstract and report should be presented by or on CD disk.

Texts of abstracts and reports send to the address of: To: professor Luganov Vladimir Alekseevich, the Kazakh national technical university named after K.I. Satpayev, Satpayev street 22, Almaty, , Kazakhstan or or or to the address of: To: Giannopoulou Ioanna National Technical University of Athens, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Laboratory of Metallurgy Heroon Polytechniou 9, Athens, GREECE Abstracts are accepted till February, 29th, Ready reports are accepted till May, 31st,

The sample of abstract Dust emission at the alumina plants Dust emission at the alumina plants Ivanov N.P.*, Stopich S. ** Ivanov N.P.*, Stopich S. ** *Kazakh national technical university named after K.I. Satpayev, street Satpayev 22, Almaty, , Kazakhstan, *Kazakh national technical university named after K.I. Satpayev, street Satpayev 22, Almaty, , Kazakhstan, ** National Technical University of Athens, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Laboratory of Metallurgy, Heroon Polytechniou 9, Athens, Greece, ** National Technical University of Athens, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Laboratory of Metallurgy, Heroon Polytechniou 9, Athens, Greece, The text of the abstract should contain no more than 150 words. To use system of SI. The text of the abstract should contain no more than 150 words. To use system of SI. At the end of the abstract introduce about 7 keywords. At the end of the abstract introduce about 7 keywords. Registration payment – 20 euro Registration payment – 20 euro (Includes coffee-break, the booklet with the program and the collection of reports) (Includes coffee-break, the booklet with the program and the collection of reports) Working languages of the Conference - Russian and English. Working languages of the Conference - Russian and English.

Secretary Giannopoulou Ioanna (National Technical University of Athens, Giannopoulou Ioanna (National Technical University of Athens, Address: National Technical University of Athens, Address: National Technical University of Athens, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Laboratory of Metallurgy Laboratory of Metallurgy Heroon Polytechniou 9, Athens, GREECE. Heroon Polytechniou 9, Athens, GREECE. Chepushtanova Tatyana Aleksandrovna the scientific secretary (Kazakh National Technical University) Chepushtanova Tatyana Aleksandrovna the scientific secretary (Kazakh National Technical University) Kilibaev Erkebulan Umirlievich the scientific secretary (Kazakh National Technical University) Kilibaev Erkebulan Umirlievich the scientific secretary (Kazakh National Technical University) Zhumadilova Zhanar Orazbekovna – the engineer, the scientific secretary. Zhumadilova Zhanar Orazbekovna – the engineer, the scientific secretary. Address: Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I. Satpayev, street Satpayev 22, Almaty, , KAZAKHSTAN, phone./fax: +7(727) Address: Kazakh national technical university of a name of K.I. Satpayev, street Satpayev 22, Almaty, , KAZAKHSTAN, phone./fax: +7(727) Website: Website:

Key lecturers Iskakov N.A. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor, Minister of preservation of the environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Iskakov N.A. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor, Minister of preservation of the environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Suleyev D.K. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor, rector of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, (Almaty, Kazakhstan) Suleyev D.K. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor, rector of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, (Almaty, Kazakhstan) Jusfin J.S. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moscow, Russia); Jusfin J.S. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Moscow, Russia); Panias D. – Dr.-Ing., professor of National Technical University of Athens (Athenes, Greece); Panias D. – Dr.-Ing., professor of National Technical University of Athens (Athenes, Greece); Fridrih B. – Fridrih Berndt - Dr.-Ing., professor of Technical University (Aachen, Germany); Fridrih B. – Fridrih Berndt - Dr.-Ing., professor of Technical University (Aachen, Germany); Sokolov В.М. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor, (Kiev, Ukraine). Sokolov В.М. – Doctor of Technical Science, professor, (Kiev, Ukraine).

Recommended hotels: THE REGENT ANKARA, , Zheltoksan 181, cor. Temeryzev, phone: +7(727) , a tel./fax: +7(727) , , fax: +7(727) , THE REGENT ANKARA, , Zheltoksan 181, cor. Temeryzev, phone: +7(727) , a tel./fax: +7(727) , , fax: +7(727) , OTRAR, , Gogol street, 73, cor. Kunaev Street, phone: +7(727) , , , fax: +7(727) , , OTRAR, , Gogol street, 73, cor. Kunaev Street, phone: +7(727) , , , fax: +7(727) , , ASTANA INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, the address: street Baitursynov, 113 (Satpayev), phone: +7(727) ASTANA INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, the address: street Baitursynov, 113 (Satpayev), phone: +7(727) АЙСЕР, the address: Pozharski street, 1 (Bajtursynov- Satpayev), Phone: +7(727) , АЙСЕР, the address: Pozharski street, 1 (Bajtursynov- Satpayev), Phone: +7(727) , ALMA-ATA, the address: , Kabanbai Batyr street, 85 (cor. Panfilov), Phone/fax: +7(727) , +7(727) , the Site of hotel: http: // ALMA-ATA, the address: , Kabanbai Batyr street, 85 (cor. Panfilov), Phone/fax: +7(727) , +7(727) , the Site of hotel: http: // (At occurrence of questions with booking hotels we ask to address in Secretary of Organizing committee of the Seminar till June, 30th, 2008) (At occurrence of questions with booking hotels we ask to address in Secretary of Organizing committee of the Seminar till June, 30th, 2008)

The registration form Author: Surname, name, patronymic Author: Surname, name, patronymic Coauthors: ______________________ Coauthors: ______________________ Organization: ____________________ Organization: ____________________ Position: ________________________ Position: ________________________ Academic degree: _________________ Academic degree: _________________ The name of report: _______________ The name of report: _______________ Necessary technical requirements ____ Necessary technical requirements ____ Country: ________ City: ___________ Country: ________ City: ___________ Business address: _________________ Business address: _________________ Phone/fax: ______________________ Phone/fax: ______________________ The electronic address: ___________ The electronic address: ___________

The final Program of the Conference will be formed by the beginning of August The final Program of the Conference will be formed by the beginning of August Preliminary agreement to participate in the work of the conference besides people and organizations listed above, specialists from the USA, Italy, Yekaterinburg etc. Preliminary agreement to participate in the work of the conference besides people and organizations listed above, specialists from the USA, Italy, Yekaterinburg etc. Materials of the Conference will be published. Materials of the Conference will be published.

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