Effects of Including Hysteresis when Simulating Infiltration Swen Magnuson AgE 558 April 13, 2001
Overview Background Purpose Approach Results
Radioactive Waste Management Complex
Infiltration Assignment for SDA Modeling <1 cm/y4 cm/y24 cm/y
Purpose Determine possible effects of neglecting hysteresis Generally neglected as inconsequential compared to spatial variability Hysteresis now more commonly included in simulation codes HYDRUS-2D (Simunek et al 1999)
Approach Select location used in Martian (1995) NAT-8, middle infiltration range: ~4 cm/yr Average hydraulic properties from inverse modeling results at NAT-8 Simulate with and without hysteresis Difference of >20% in net annual infiltration may be important enough to investigate
Problem Description NAT-8 hydrologic properties arithmetically averaged with weights based on interval thicknesses =>homogenous soil profile ~6 meter deep surficial sediments Free-drainage bottom boundary condition Initial conditions, h=-30 cm. Meteorologically driven surface boundary using site-specific conditions from 1999, used repetitively for 5 years
Average Soil Properties for NAT-8
Problem Description NAT-8 hydrologic properties arithmetically averaged with weights based on interval thicknesses =>homogenous soil profile ~6 meter deep surficial sediments Free-drainage bottom boundary condition Initial conditions, h=-30 cm. Meteorologically driven surface boundary using site-specific conditions from 1999, used repetitively for 5 years
Problem Description NAT-8 hydrologic properties arithmetically averaged with weights based on interval thicknesses =>homogenous soil profile ~6 meter deep surficial sediments Free-drainage bottom boundary condition Initial conditions, h=-30 cm. Meteorologically driven surface boundary using site-specific conditions from 1999, used repetitively for 5 years
Cumulative PPT: 19.5 cm Cumulative PET: 127 cm Snow cover: 0-80 days and days
Using h ae = 2 * h we and h ae = 1/ results in h ae =50 cm and h we =25 cm Treatment of Hysteresis
More on Hysteresis Uses something closely approximating the independent domain model: completely specify both wetting and draining curves. HYDRUS-2D has options to consider hysteresis in the - relationship and in the K- relationship (both tested) Initial conditions must be associated with either the draining or wetting curve.
time Moisture Content DRYWET
Daily flux from bottom boundary in Yr 1 with no hysteresis
Daily flux from bottom boundary in Yr 1 with hysteresis in - in - Drainage ICs
Daily flux from bottom boundary in Yr 1 with hysteresis only in -
Daily flux from bottom boundary in Yr 2 with hysteresis only in -
Simulation Results End-of-year Instantaneous Flux at Bottom of Domain
Simulation Results All fluxes given in cm/day End-of-year Instantaneous Flux at Bottom of Domain
Simulation Results All fluxes given in cm Cumulative Annual Drainage
Observations on Running HYDRUS-2D GUI post-processing difficulties Do not currently trust result for drainage in case w/o hysteresis Problems suspected to be associated with installation
Conclusions Premature Appears that hysteresis can influence net infiltration by greater than 20%