ASSESSMENT, PUPIL MOTIVATION AND LEARNING UNIT 6.1 Terry Haydn From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
OBJECTIVES At the end of this unit you should be able to: identify the differing purposes of assessment and the tensions between them explain what is meant by ‘assessment for learning’ use correctly some important assessment terminology select strategies for making assessment and evaluation purposeful and manageable use assessment data in various ways to help pupils to make progress in their learning. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
UNDERSTANDING ASSESSMENT Understanding the vocabulary of assessment Understanding and taking account of the limits of teaching effectiveness Understanding progression in your subject and being able to see ‘the bigger picture’ From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
ASSESSMENT FOR ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Recent developments in assessment practice in the UK Why is assessment for learning important? What does ‘assessment for learning’ mean? The integration of a variety of assessment instruments into day-to-day classroom activities Sharing learning goals Self and peer assessment Questioning and dialogue with pupils Feedback Feedback and marking Using assessment data From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
MARKING AND YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Keeping assessment manageable Acquiring a ‘grounding’ in assessment From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
FURTHER INFORMATION To explore this material further, read: Haydn, T. (2009) ‘Assessment, pupil motivation and learning’, in S. Capel, M. Leask and T. Turner (eds) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience, 5th edn, London: Routledge. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
FURTHER READING Assessment Reform Group (ARG) (2002) Testing, Motivation and Learning, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (1998a) Inside the Black Box, London: King’s College. Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B. and Wiliam, D. (2003) Assessment for Learning: Putting it into Practice, Maidenhead: Open University Press. Clarke, S. (2005) Formative Assessment in Action: Weaving the Elements Together, London: Hodder and Stoughton. DfES (Department for Education and Skills) (2002b) Releasing Potential, Raising Attainment: Managing Data in Secondary Schools, London: DfES. Miller, D. and Lavin, F. (2007) ‘“But now I feel I want to give it a try”: formative assessment, self-esteem and a sense of competence, The Curriculum Journal, 18(1): 3–25. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009