Lab Safety The following rules exist to prevent accidents in the lab and keep you safe.
Fire Extinguisher Operation
Raise the nozzle in order to direct the stream of carbon dioxide
Squeeze the handle to begin operation.
Eyewash Fountain
Safety Shower
Use of the FUME HOOD
Broken Glass
There is a special container for broken glass! DON'T throw broken glass into the trash can. There is a special container for broken glass!
No UNAUTHORIZED experiments! This is terribly dangerous in unskilled hands. When first entering the science room do not touch any chemicals, equipment, or supplies until you are instructed to do so. No EATING or DRINKING in the LAB. Assume everything in the lab is toxic. DO NOT drink from lab equipment. NOT EVEN distilled water.
Bad Idea #1
Bad Idea #2
Bad Idea #3
Wear safety glasses when necessary Proper lab attire Tie back long hair remove dangling jewelry Roll up long sleeves Secure baggy clothing Closed-toed shoes Keep hands away from eyes and mouth while using chemicals Wash your hands after the lab
Make sure that test tubes are not directed toward yourself or other persons.
A better technique:
A GOOD PRACTICE: Read the experimental procedure ahead of lab, NOT as you do the procedure
In a laboratory setting, horseplay, even if good-natured, is absolutely unacceptable. No pushing; no shoving!
What’s wrong with this picture?
Chemical Hazard Symbols Flammable – Any substance that will burn if exposed to an open flame. Explosive – A substance that may explode if exposed to heat or flame. Toxic/Poison – A substance that can lead to death if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed by the skin.
Chemical Hazard Symbols Corrosive – A substance that can destroy or burn living tissue and can eat away at other materials. Irritant - A substance that causes inflammation upon contact with skin or mucous membranes. Environmental - Substances that are harmful to the environment. They must be disposed of properly, not washed down the drain.
Stay focused and pay attention to all verbal and written instructions Three steps to starting a lab Know what to do Know what you need Start the lab Three steps to ending a lab Clean all glassware, labware, and equipment Return all equipment and supplies Clean up around your lab station
Have a Safe Year!