Webquest for First Grade The Very Hungry Caterpillar Designed by Julie Bonafilia
Introduction Since we just read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle as a class we know what the caterpillar in that story ate, so can you help our new friend find food? Did the caterpillar in the book eat mostly healthy food or unhealthy? We will use what we know to plan a healthy meal for our classroom caterpillar.
Task As a class we will re-read the children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. While we are reading the story, keep in mind the foods that the caterpillar ate to make him big and fat. We will discuss what he ate and which foods were healthy and which were not. Then we will make a healthy meal for new friend.
Process We are going to make a list of all the foods that the caterpillar ate in the story. Then we are going to graph them healthy or unhealthy. After we have made our graph you are going to go to your seats and draw a HEALTHY meal for our classroom caterpillar to eat.list healthy or unhealthyHEALTHY
Evaluation YesNo Did you partipate in the food list? Does your picture show mostly healthy food? Is you picture clear and done neatly? Did you participate in the graphing process?
Conclusion When you have finished putting together a healthy meal for our caterpillar to eat we will then re-group as a class and share our meal pictures with one another. You should all have made a healthy meal to get the caterpillar big and fat so he can become a beautiful butterfly.
Lets watch a 5 th /6 th grade production of the Very Hungry Caterpillar!