Van der Pol
Convergence The damped driven oscillator has both transient and steady-state behavior. Transient dies outTransient dies out Converges to steady stateConverges to steady state
Equivalent Circuit Oscillators can be simulated by RLC circuits. Inductance as mass Resistance as damping Capacitance as inverse spring constant v in v C L R
Negative Resistance Devices can exhibit negative resistance. Negative slope current vs. voltageNegative slope current vs. voltage Examples: tunnel diode, vacuum tubeExamples: tunnel diode, vacuum tube These were described by Van der Pol. R. V. Jones, Harvard University
Steady State Assume an oscillating solution. Time varying amplitude V Slow time variation The equation for V follows from substitution and approximation. The steady state is based on the relative damping terms.
Frequency Locking The amplitude term can be separated. Two coupled equations Detuning term d Locking coefficient l The detuning is roughly the frequency difference. For small driving force the locking coefficient depends on the relative damping.
Relaxation Oscillator The Van der Pol oscillator shows slow charge build up followed by a sudden discharge. The oscillations are self sustaining, even without a driving force. Wolfram Mathworld
Limit Cycle The phase portraits show convergence to a steady state. This is called a limit cycle. next