Structure and Reactions of Exotic Nuclei PI32 Collaboration (theory group, but ….) Some conclusions (keywords)
Isotopic dependence of nuclear properties effective interactions in finite nuclei (to be used in different nuclear models, from no-core shell model for light systems to standard shell model, RPA, etc) behaviour of single-particle and collective states interplay of T= 0 and 1 pairs Obs: need for full information from structure calculation: not only energies and EM transitions, but also spectroscopic factors for 1 and 2 particle asymmetric nuclear matter
Treatment of continuum in nuclear structure extension of models (e.g. shell model) to include continuum states unbound many-body states effects on (weakly) bound states new concepts model case (working laboratory) to compare different approaches clustering and pairing (obs: reaction mechanism for pair transfer with unstable intermediate states)
Treatment of continuum in nuclear reactions necessary consistency with nuclear structure inputs different reaction models, but need for overall description of elastic, break-up, transfer, fusion processes (no ad hoc descriptions) effect of continuum on potentials and transition potentials need for a model case (hamiltonian, channels,….) for comparing different approaches
Low-energy nuclear structure and reactions vs Intermediate energy reactions Points of contact (physics of isospin, effective interactions, phase transitions, …) but need for bridges ……