Data collection procedure: What does it record?What is it used for? Event recording How many times behavior occurred?Behaviors w/clear beginning and end - NOT high rate behavior Numerical Duration recording How long behavior occurred?High frequency behavior Temporal Latency recording Time between onset of stimulus and initiation of behavior Temporal Interval recording PI - presence or absence of behavior at any time during interval WI – presence or absence of behavior throughout entire interval MTS - Presence or absence of behavior following specific time intervals Reduce behavior b/c it overestimates Increase behavior b/c it underestimates High freq behavior Numerical
Lect 42 Interobserver agreement The degree to which observers agree on the ___________________________ of behavior Why is it important? Are your measures ___________? Are the effects and levels of behavior_________? You need ___ independent observers Evaluate in at least _____ of observations Minimum IOA should average above ___%
Lect 43 Total Agreement Used with _______________ recording Observers tally _______ of responses Easy to calculate Limitations: Unsure whether agreement in on the _________________ Difficult to assess with _________ behaviors ____ frequency X 100%
Lect 44 Calculating Total Agreement OBSERVER 1 | | | | | 50 OBSERVER 2 | | | | | 45 IOA ? 75% 90%
Lect 45 Interval (point-by-point) Agreement Used when specific records can be compared on a point-by-point basis (_________ ________________________) 1._____________ 2._____________ (X) 3._____________ (0) OXXXXOX XOOXOOX agreements disagreements
Lect 46 _______________ Agreement: = Calculating Interval Agreement Agreements (Agreements + Disagreements) X 100%
= ___% Obs. 1Obs. 2 OO XX OO XO XX OO XX XX XX OX A A A D A A A A A D Calculating Interval Agreement Overall Agreement (occurrence and nonocurrence) __ ___ x 100%IOA =
Lect 48 Obs. 1Obs. 2 OO OO OO XO OO OO OO OO OX OO A A A D A A A A D A Overall agreement high (80%), but observers disagree on when behavior _______
Lect 49 Obs. 1Obs. 2 XX XX OX XX XX XX XX XO XX XX A A A D A A A A D A Overall agreement high (80%), but observers disagree on when behavior ____________
Occurrence Agreements (Occurrence Agreements + Occurrence Disagreements) X 100% Calculating Interval Agreement _______________ Agreement: = Nonoccurrence Agreements (Nonoccurrence Agreements + Nonoccurrence Disagreements) X 100% Because overall agreement doesn’t determine whether disagreements occurred in the occurrence or nonoccurrence of behavior, researchers also calculate occurrence and non-occurrence agreement
Occurrence = _____% OO XX OO XO XX OO XX XX XX OX Obs. 1 Obs A A A D A A A A A D Calculating Interval Agreement ___ x 100%IOA = Ignore intervals in which observers agreed on ________________
Obs. 1Obs Non-occurrence = ___% A A A D A A A A A D OO XX OO XO XX OO XX XX XX OX Calculating Interval Agreement __ ___ x 100%IOA = Ignore intervals in which observers agreed on ________________
OO XX OO OO XX OX XX XX XX OO Obs. 1Obs IOA? Overall: 80% ? 90% ?
OO XX OO OO XX OX XX XX XX OO Obs. 1Obs IOA? Occurrence: 90%? 83% ? Nonoccurrence 44%? 80% ?
OO XX XO OO XO OX XX XX XO OX Obs. 1Obs IOA? Overall: 70% ? 50% ?
OO XX XO OO XO OX XX XX XO OX Obs. 1Obs IOA? Occurrence: 38% ? Nonoccurrence: 39% ? 29% ?
Lect 417 Factors influencing inter-observer agreement Observer _______________ Observers aware their observations will be checked and score behavior ___________ Prevent by watching them from a unobtrusive location, without their awareness, or by watching them often. Observer _________ Observers might gradually ______ what they measure Prevent by making sure they are well _______, periodic _______, good ___________ definitions, spot checks.
Lect 418 Factors influencing inter-observer agreement _____________ of the measurement system If observers are recording too many _______ or too many __________ they you may get low IOA If data sheets too _____________ you may get low IOA Keep data collection and data sheets as ______ as possible Observer ________________ May be biased and record what they ______should happen To prevent observers should be _____ to purpose of study