Onondaga Lake
Backround Onondaga Lake was once a major tourist destination. A long history of pollution quickly led to its decline. Today it is one of the most polluted lakes in this region, but scientists are working to restore its natural beauty.
One of the major pollutants was Mercury, stemming from industrial discharge from a local manufacturer. In addition, inadequate sewage treatment facilities allow untreated sewage to be drained into the lake. In the summer, this causes algae blooms and an anoxic hypolimnion.
Weather conditions Mostly overcast Steady wind ~60 degrees F Choppy waves
Averages Temp C Cond uS/cm DO% % DO conc mg/L pH Turbidity Chlorophyll- 1.61
Turbidity vs. Depth
Dissolved Oxygen
Chlorophyll vs. Depth
Physical Parameters Secchi disk: range: A significant drop occurred when the spherical dropped just below the surface, then again when it was lowered to two meters.
Macrophytes Elodea Myriophyllum Utricularia Ceratophyllum Potamogeton- crispus and pectinatus Cladophera
Silica SilicaConc.Absorb. HYPO META EPI
Phytoplankton- Epi
Phytoplankton- Meta
Zooplankton Tow one and two both returned 9 species each. Minor differences were that Cercopagis was found only in the first tow. Conochilus was found only in the second tow.
Zooplankton cont’d. Schindler Trap Hypo yielded 6 species, 78 individuals total Hypo yielded 6 species, 78 individuals total Meta – 4 species, 94 individuals total Meta – 4 species, 94 individuals total Epi – 5 species, 7 individuals sub sample 1, 10 individuals sub sample 2. Epi – 5 species, 7 individuals sub sample 1, 10 individuals sub sample 2.