Research Topics for Spatial temporal processes Time Series:Time Series: nonlinear state space M. West (1996) In Bayesian Statistics 5, Oxford University Press. Simulation methods A.C. Davison and D.V. Hinkley, "Bootstrap Methods and their Applications” Cambridge University Press 1997
Research Topics for Spatial temporal processes Gaussian process:Gaussian process: nonstationary covariances models (beyond EOFs) spatial-temporal models (beyond separable models) change of support problem (multi-scale) hierarchical modeling
Research Topics for Spatial temporal processes Non-Gaussian processes:Non-Gaussian processes: conditional distributions (Markov fields) permutation tests Reference: Mantel (1967) Spatial point processes:Spatial point processes: heterogeneous intensity multivariate spatial processes clustering (patterns] Reference: Diggle (1983).
Visualization Maps of dependency structure Maps of intensity function Uncertainty maps Statistical ensembles
Education/Crosstraining Smaller Workshops: Case studies Specific examples (have problems ahead of time for workshop instructor] Stat/Math faculty collaborating with geosciences groups
Computation Hierarchical methods Markov Chain Monte Carlo: simulate distribution (e.g. simulate mixing at different scales] Reference: “Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice”, Chapman & Hall, London. Gilks, Richardson, and Spiegelhalter (1996). Fast spherical Transform