John Caines Enterprise Master Class ‘Entrepreneurial Horses and Courses’
Required Outcomes c. An Enterprising UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE Successful Alumni Entrepreneurs for themselves, and contributing to
Obstacles Vs. Succeeding “How to………” Vs. Starting Can’t Do Shouldn’t Do –Ethics, Status, Not my Job Need not Do Too Risky What’s in it for Me?
John Caines- The Official Story Unilever, ACMA London Business School MBA Westbury Homes FD Chaired 8 companies; today: Zeta, Meta Morphose, e2train Chaired SWAIN Coach CEO’s + SSE Angel Investor Author/Prof JMCA Minerva Maxima Foundations Entrepreneur Portfolio
The Real Story: Many bumps on the road Unilever, ACMA London Business School MBA Westbury Homes FD Chaired 8 companies; today: Zeta, Meta Morphose, e2train Chaired SWAIN Coach CEO’s + SSE Angel Investor Author/Prof JMCA Minerva Maxima Foundations Entrepreneur Portfolio
And Lucky Breaks Unilever, ACMA London Business School MBA Westbury Homes FD Chaired 8 companies; today: Zeta, Meta Morphose, e2train Chaired SWAIN Coach CEO’s + SSE Angel Investor Author/Prof JMCA Minerva Maxima Foundations Entrepreneur Portfolio * * *
Starting the (High Probability) Entrepreneurial Journey* Deep expertise.... Network -> Needs Opportunities (to use Deep Expertise) Innovate ‘Offering’ Find that first customer FOCUS on tightly defined market Live in that Market; -> Authority -> Leadership Branch out incrementally *Re: Knowledge based B2Bservice. Low Investment; low risk; ethical.
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Management I Begin with the End in Mind; –A clearly articulated fully developed Vision Map the Territory inc. Starting Point –n.b. Obstacles Memorable Strategy to Achieve (6- 8 points?) x x x x x xx x x x x Ethical Sustainable Enterprise Uni, etc £x Commercial Rev. Ethical Sustainable Enterprise Uni, etc £x Commercial Rev.
B/F Vision, Memorable Strategy* ………………………… Deploy personal skills to activate and sustain –Others and Self Take a Little Help From your friends –Cornerstone Team (+ University Support) –Use a Coach (inc. Ensuring right Perspective) * For Max Delegation and ‘Plan B’ opportunities ` Entrepreneurial Leadership and Management II
Reducing the Obstacles Vs. Succeeding “How to………” A few clues Vs. Starting Can’t Do Use only Deep Expertise – on known needs – take help Shouldn’t Do Only do if good; Professional standards apply –Ethics, Status, Not my Job If not you, who? Need not Do Planning assumption: Status quo or change? Too Risky Use High probability approach... What’s in it for Me? St
The Prize Determining our future Realising potential Creating Wealth Helping others: –Customers –Staff –Economy ……………….
Determining our future Realising potential Creating Wealth Helping others: –Customers –Staff –Economy –The World! And energising, creative, fulfilling…… fun! The Prize
Thank You John Caines