Davenport and Anatone Living Snow Fences Works in Progress
Washington Living Snowfences Previous speakers have provided excellent information on Living Snowfence history, the national perspectives of living snowfences, and coordination needed from planning to planting.
Washington Living Snowfences Did NRCS and others think living snowfences would be a viable option for controlling blowing snow on our state’s highways?
Washington Living Snowfences Yes we did! But we needed examples to be able to promote the technology and provide the assistance necessary to “cause it to happen”
Washington Living Snowfences The following examples came about because of the efforts and dedication to the projects by a number of folks in this room.
Washington Living Snowfences The Reinbold Living Snowfence today.
Washington Living Snowfences The Reinbold Living Snowfence in it’s infancy. The beginning.
Washington Living Snowfences
Our Anatone Experience
Washington Living Snowfences