a cluey freelance copywriters presentation © Copyright Cluey Consulting
the website medium Guess what ever viewer of your website is thinking? WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME! What has that got to do with copywriting for your website? EVERYTHING!
the website medium Users have more choice and access to more information than they can possibly digest. You have 5 – 10 seconds to capture a viewer entering your website. If your site does not engage the viewer and communicate well, they click away … forever.
the website medium Copywriting for websites is unlike writing for other mediums. Websites don’t get read end-to-end or necessarily in sequence. Site owners don’t determine at what point viewers enter and exit their site. What about the audience?
website audiences The two biggest influences on user behaviour? TIME EFFORT Most are time poor … the want an answer and they want it now. © Copyright Cluey Consulting 2008
website audiences Screens take 20-25% longer to read from. They aren’t approached in the same way as printed media. Like newspapers, not much gets read beyond the second paragraph. Most users: scan the screen for keywords and read pockets of content. So keywords are important for your audience as well as for search engines. avoid moving the screen to view additional content. Scrolling is a disincentive so word count is important. How do we approach copywriting for websites then?
web copy secrets Inverted triangle Use journalistic style Get key points across high on the page Add detail later
web copy secrets Short form text Write ‘punchy’ copy with few filler words Short sentences work best
web copy secrets Chunking Acres of text is a real turn-off Break down copy into more easily managed chunks
web copy secrets Headings Titles give readers an idea of what the paragraph contains Good copywriting gives the reader an overview just by the headlines
web copy secrets Bullets Make your points clearly with bullets 4 or 5 at once is plenty
web copy secrets Links Viewers won’t browse your website in a given order Cross-reference throughout and add links
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