Looking for Hitch: A (Not So) Frenzied Strategy for Research
Gary Handman Director Media Resources Center Moffitt Library
1. 1.Describe organization of library information 2. 2.Introduce selected sources for finding books and journal articles in film studies and related fields 3. 3.Discuss how to select article databases (and determine what’s in them) 4. 4.Discuss how to develop search strategies (and practice them if there’s time)
Writing About Film… Industry Pop and fan Scholarly/In-depthCurrent Historical (The movies are over 100 years old!)
ReviewsReviews Critical/Scholarly ArticlesCritical/Scholarly Articlesin Periodicals (aka magazines, journals, serials…)Periodicals (aka magazines, journals, serials…) NewspapersNewspapers BooksBooks Biography, genre writing, thematic writing, individual films, individual directors, specific erasBiography, genre writing, thematic writing, individual films, individual directors, specific eras Web Sites (more about this later…)Web Sites (more about this later…) Other online databasesOther online databases Looking for Hitch: What Kinds of Stuff is out there?
Reviews? Critical Articles? Whas tha difference?
Journal Articles: Reviews: Found in popular periodicals, film periodicals, and (less often) in more scholarly journals Assessment of aesthetic and content merits of a film Usually cover current releases, more pop theatrical releases Tend to be relatively short and relatively superficial (with some exceptions and depending on the publication and who’s doing the writing)
Journal Articles: Reviews? Critical Writing? What’s the Diff? Critical analysis: Found in books and scholarly or film-related journals Discuss films in: broader historical, cultural, political, artistic context and/or Focus on a specific aspect of a film, film genre, or filmmaker Tend to be longer, more substantive than reviews (with some exceptions and depending on the publication and who’s doing the writing) Often include notes, bibliographies, other scholarly apparatus
Journal Articles: Critical analysis: Scholarly writing about film…really only took off after the 1950s So….. Critical analysis of pre-WWII films written at the time the movie was released are rare
Books Scholarly/authoritative worksScholarly/authoritative works Pop schlock and fan worksPop schlock and fan works Author’s credentials/affiliationsAuthor’s credentials/affiliations Publisher (e.g. BFI, AFI, University Presses vs pop press)Publisher (e.g. BFI, AFI, University Presses vs pop press) Scholarly apparatus and sources: notes, bibliographies, other documentationScholarly apparatus and sources: notes, bibliographies, other documentation If they’ve been widely cited by other scholarsIf they’ve been widely cited by other scholars How Do You Tell em’ apart?
…But how do you locate all this stuff? Catalogs: OskiCat; MELVYL (aka CDL Catalog)Catalogs: OskiCat; MELVYL (aka CDL Catalog) Article databases (Indexes)Article databases (Indexes)
Inventory of what the Library owns: Books Books Journals (BUT NOT what’s inside of them!!!!!!) Journals (BUT NOT what’s inside of them!!!!!!) …But how do you locate all this stuff? Search by: AuthorAuthor TitleTitle Subject (keywords)Subject (keywords) Media Media Manuscripts, documents, maps…etc. etc. etc. etc.) Manuscripts, documents, maps…etc. etc. etc. etc.) What is OskiCat, my darling?
A Hitchcock reader / edited by Marshall Deutelbaum and Leland Poague Chichester, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley- Blackwell, Location(s)Location(s): PN H58 H PN H58 H Get da Book in da Stax Call #
Articles/Reviews (how do you find this stuff?) Article databases (aka Indexes) Library subscribes to hundreds of them in all disciplinesLibrary subscribes to hundreds of them in all disciplines Can’t find what’s in the by using GoogleCan’t find what’s in the by using Google Often look/feel/behave differently from each other (proprietary products from diff commercial vendors)Often look/feel/behave differently from each other (proprietary products from diff commercial vendors) Need to come in from berkeley.edu account or use Proxy Server (more later)Need to come in from berkeley.edu account or use Proxy Server (more later)
Look at the listings of article databases available via the library includes listings by SUBJECT, NAME of resource, etc. General Databases are often good places to start (particularly for newsy/topical issues) Article Databases (how do you know which ones to use?)
Gary’s Desert Island Index/Article Database List No Now Playing
GH Desert Island Index/Article Database List No Now Playing EBSCO dbs: Academic Search Complete and others MLA Bibliography FIAF Index Communication Abstracts
Two possibilities: Links you to full-text in ANOTHER article databaseLinks you to full-text in ANOTHER article database ANOTHER Or Flips you over to MELVYL so you can locate a physical copy of the journal at UCB or elsewhere.Flips you over to MELVYL so you can locate a physical copy of the journal at UCB or elsewhere. MELVYL
How to Begin? Before you click: THINK Formulate a concise, concrete statement of the research problem Formulate your search in terms of keywords and key phrases: The impact of television advertising and television violence on school performance and pre-adolesecent social interaction.
How to Begin? Before you click: THINK Think of synonyms for key words/phrases The impact of television advertising and television violence on school performance and pre-adolesecent social interaction. Children Youth Adolescents …etc. Commercials Ads …etc. Academic achievement Grades …etc. Media TV…etc Socialization, relationships, peer interaction…etc.
Common Search Features: Basic and Advanced Search Screens Trunction: “wild card” that allows you to scoop up broader results:* # or ? Depending on db --e.g.: Advertis* will give you: advertise, advertising, advertisers, advertisements Search by keyword or by phrase Search specific fields (e.g., SUBJECT, TITLE) Use of AND, OR, NOT
The Information Universe Remember Also: Not every topic has lots written about it, either in books or journal lit. --Research on very current topics --Research on extremely specific topics --Research on topics off the beaten academic track or off the pop culture radar
What to do if too much is turning up (“I’m doing a paper dealing with murder in Hitchcock’s films ”) Narrow your topic: e.g.: geographically, chronologically; by race, gender, ethnic group; Specific focus or aspect of the topic (e.g. ethical, social, economic, political aspects) What to do if nothing is turning up: (I’m doing a paper on the use of the color blue in Hitchcock’s films”) Broaden your topic / go for the more general / select a different angle Rethink your search strategy (new keywords, new concepts, etc.) Bail out and choose another topic
A few cautionary words about research on the Net LibraryLand The Net Google Rocks! GooooogleGooooogle Scholar???
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Why Didn’t He Give Us Paper Handouts About All This Stuff???? Handman Hitchcock Bibliography:
…being driven totally psycho by your research? Call me: Gary Handman
Mother would have wanted me to use Pathfinder! Pathfinder! Inventory of what the Library owns: Books Books Journals (BUT NOT what’s inside of them!!!!!!) Journals (BUT NOT what’s inside of them!!!!!!) …But how do you locate all this stuff? Search by: AuthorAuthor TitleTitle Subject (keywords)Subject (keywords) Media Media Manuscripts, documents, maps…etc. etc. etc. etc.) Manuscripts, documents, maps…etc. etc. etc. etc.)
Critical writing about film ain’t limited to film studiesCritical writing about film ain’t limited to film studies Language & LitLanguage & Lit Ethnic studiesEthnic studies Women’s studiesWomen’s studies Gay/Lesbian studiesGay/Lesbian studies Area studies…etc.Area studies…etc. Critical/Scholarly Articles